Fauzia's Kitchen Fun




The Stromboli is like a big rolled-up pizza. With all the lovely stuff you would use on a regular pizza, except it’s enclosed within the dough instead of being put on top of it!
Servings 4 people


  • 2 1/2 cups all-purpose/plain flour
  • 1 1/2 tsp salt
  • 5 tbsp oil
  • 1 1/2 tsp sugar
  • 1 1/2 tsp instant yeast use 2 tsp. for colder climates
  • 2 pinches baking powder
  • warm milk mixed with a bit of water for kneading

Other Ingredients

  • filling of choice options given in Instructions below
  • pizza sauce recipe link given below
  • 1 cup mozzarella and cheddar cheese or as needed
  • 1 egg yolk beaten with 1 tsp milk (for brushing the stromboli before baking)


  • Mix all the dry ingredients and the oil, then slowly start adding the warm milk a little at a time. Get it to a soft dough, the softer the better, knead it very well for at least 8 minutes or more if possible.
    Dab a touch of oil all over the dough, then cover it and place it somewhere warm. Leave it to rise to double its size, takes about 30 minutes to an hour depending on the weather.
    For Step by Step Directions on how to shape the Stromboli, please click HERE.
    Once ready, punch down the dough and then roll it out into a 10″x16″ rectangle of about quarter inch thickness.
    Spread the pizza sauce (recipe HERE) all over the rectangle, leaving about an inch border all around the edges.
    Add the filling (I used THIS one, plus some of THESE extra toppings), drizzle a bit of ketchup and scatter some cheese over it. Try not to over fill because this rectangle will be rolled up like a swiss roll with the filling inside, and if it is too full it might trouble during rolling.
    Starting from the side closest to you (one of the longer sides), gently roll  the rectangle to the end, like a swiss roll log. Gently lift and place this on a greased baking tray. Then  while on the tray bring the two ends of the roll together so it looks like a tyre/wheel or circle. Pinch the two ends together gently. So now you have a round roll.
    Using a SHARP knife, make slits in the tube, all around. Don’t cut the dough all the way through otherwise the stromboli will fall apart. Just cut through the layers without touching the bottom layer. Then gently ‘fan’ out or spread the circle so it stretches out slightly. This will ensure that the heat gets a chance to go all the way into the Stromboli making sure it cooks through to the inside. Allow the stromboli to rest on the tray for about 20-30 minutes.
    Pre-heat the oven at 180 C.
    While the oven is heating, brush an egg yolk beaten with 1 tbsp. milk all over the stromboli.
    Bake in the pre-heated oven for about 25-30 minutes, or until it’s golden and cooked through. Remove very gently onto a wire rack to cool. Keep the stromboli loosely covered with a light kitchen towel.
    Let it rest for some minutes before slicing to give the cheese time to set and cool slightly inside.
    Slice into segments, serve and enjoy! 

Join the Conversation

  1. salam how are you? kindly can you explain step by step how you make this stromboli (means how you cut and give this look) i tried your recipes , thanks you so much for sharing amazing recipes ,ALLAH BLESS U takecare ALLAHHAFIZ

  2. MashaAllah I made this today after I got my husband to check out your site and pick anything he wanted me to make and this was it! Alhamdulillah it turned out amazing mashaAllah! JazakAllahu Khairan for all your work and especially for sharing it!

  3. Aa ,
    please show us how to fold th stromboli in step by step as i couldnt figured it out by reading. thanks and may ALLAH bless u.

  4. Assalam… I need to c in
    Assalam… I need to c in pics how to fold it
    .. jazakallahu khair

    1. W/Salaam, will be adding a
      W/Salaam, will be adding a step by step for this inshaAllah.

      1. mashallah great but i will
        mashallah great but i will understand if i see it step by step . jazakillah 🙂

  5. thnx for the lovely recipe.
    thnx for the lovely recipe. can v replace the mozzarella cheese with ricotta cheese? also, i am a lil confused about the rolling..when we roll it, shud it luk lyk a spiral from the side or shud it just b lyk a cylinder? i know u said like a tube, but how will it have the rounded edges then? im sorry,im so confused..iv gotto make it for eid. i hope u can reply in tym.

    1. Yes you can use ricotta
      Yes you can use ricotta although mozzarella will give a much much better result because it is a more stretchy kind of cheese, ideal for pizzas. By tube I mean like a car wheel/tyre.

  6. thnx alot for the prompt
    thnx alot for the prompt reply. it turned out great! although the assembly was a lil difficult.

  7. DId you use the egg wash too?
    DId you use the egg wash too? It’s not mentioned but in pic it’s look like that u did

    1. W/Salaam, will have the steps
      W/Salaam, will have the steps posted inshaAllah by next week, check in then! 🙂

  8. jazaki Allah khair sister for
    jazaki Allah khair sister for your efforts and i love
    all your cooking ,just wanted to know if i can use anything else apart from the eggs to brush the Stromboli

  9. assalam o alaekom.hope u r
    assalam o alaekom.hope u r doing well i have tried many of your recipes and you’ve never failed me alhumdulillah.while voting for your website saw this stromboli and checked your site for the recipe.I’d like to know if they can b made in advance and will they taste as good.jazakillah khair

    1. W/Salaam, thank you! Yes you
      W/Salaam, thank you! Yes you can freeze the stromboli and then just allow it to thaw and warm it up in a hot oven and serve.

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