Fauzia's Kitchen Fun

Making a Perfect Pizza – Step by Step


Making a Perfect Pizza - Step by Step

Making a perfect pizza is really easy…you can do it at home and have better results than most bought pizzas! Here’s how you can make one at home! 🙂
Servings 4 people


  • Ingredients for Dough
  • 2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 5 tbsp. oil
  • 1 1/2 tsp. sugar
  • 1 1/2 tsp. instant yeast use 2 tsp. for colder climates
  • 2 pinches of baking powder
  • warm milk mixed with a bit of water for kneading


  • STEP 1:  Prepare the pizza sauce
    You can buy this ready-made, but I always prefer knowing what goes into my pizza sauce. Here is my recipe for a simple pizza sauce. Do not go overboard with the spices, you want this simple and naturally flavorful.
    Blend 2-3 tomatoes, 1 capsicum, 1 green chilli, small onion and a grated carrot together until smooth. Heat a bit of oil in a pan, like a tbsp. or even less. Then add a bit of garlic paste, followed by 1 tbsp. tomato paste. Once that’s cooked for a couple mins, add the blended mixture and simmer. Add salt and a tsp. of sugar followed by a bit of tandoori masala or cumin powder or oregano or you can just leave it plain and unspiced according to your taste. Let it simmer until thick and all the water is gone. Then use accordingly! 🙂
  • STEP 2:  Get all your toppings ready. I’ve used shredded leftover tandoori baked chicken (recipe HERE)  I’ve also used chunks of pineapple, some sweet corn, red & green capsicum/bell pepper and some sliced red onions.
  • STEP 3:  Now prepare the dough. This pizza was a 12 inch one, and it is enough for 3 very hungry people or 4 if you have any sides like garlic bread, fries, salad…etc. Mix all the dry ingredients and the oil, then slowly start adding the warm milk a little at a time. Get it to a soft dough, the softer the better, knead it very well for at least 8 minutes or more if possible. Dab a touch of oil all over the dough, then cover it and place it somewhere warm. Leave it to rise to double its size, takes about 30 mins to an hour depending on the weather. Once risen, punch it down, give it a quick knead and then roll it out to about 12 inches diameter and place on your greased pizza pan/tray. Again cover the tray with a light cloth/towel and let the base rest/rise slightly for about 15-20 mins
  • STEP 4:  When you check on it after 20 mins, it will have slightly puffed up. Take a sharp knife and make tiny slits all over the base. This helps the pizza rise evenly during baking once the toppings are on it. Missing this step can leave your pizza bubbly in some parts and flat in others, not a pretty sight! 🙂
  • STEP 5:  Once you’ve made the slits, apply a coating of your pizza sauce as evenly as you can.
  • STEP 6:  Now grate some cheese, mozzarella preferably, and sprinkle a light layer all over. This helps ‘grip’ the toppings to the base later on.
  • STEP 7:  Now add your toppings one at a time
  • Pic 1: Tandoori Chicken chunksPic 2: Sliced onionsPic 3: Pineapple chunksPic 4: Red & Green PepperPic 5: Sweet cornPic 6: Mozzarella & Cheddar Cheese (make sure you use GOOD QUALITY cheeses for best results)
  • Make sure you don’t over-pile your pizza. Be generous but not overly so. Remember, the base has not been baked beforehand. Too much weight could restrict the base from rising well during baking. 🙂
  • STEP 8:  I like to drizzle some ketchup over the cheese. It gives the pizza a magnificent color once baked. If you like, you can sprinkle some oregano on the pizza or chili powder if you like it extra spicy.
  • Once done, bake the pizza in a pre-heated oven at 180C for about 20-25mins. Keep an eye on it and adjust the baking time according to your oven. It could take more or less time.
  • FINAL RESULT! And you have your perfect home-made pizza, just like that! When you get the pizza out of the oven, give it some time to rest (about 5-10 mins) so that the cheese can settle and cool very slightly. Slice it up into 8 slices and serve with fries or a salad and garlic bread. Don’t forget a cold drink!


  1.  Leftover sauce can work perfectly in burgers or sandwiches or even as a base-sauce for pasta.
  2. You can use any topping of your choice. You can make it a meat pizza, veggie, combo…whatever you like. Just make sure your toppings are not soggy otherwise your pizza will be a sloppy mess.

Join the Conversation

  1. Asalaamalikum, do u roll the dough out with ur hand or a roller? also, how flat shud the base be after uve rolled it out? is it true that if u roll it out too flat, or with a roller (instead of lightly with ur fingers) the base losses all its puffiness and doesn’t rise… ?

    1. W/Salaam, I use a roller then after placing it on the pizza tray, if the edges are not perfect I press them gently with my finger-tips to get the perfect circle. About quarter inch thickness is good enough, or even slightly thicker. After shaping the base I cover and let it rest for a while, which helps it puff up again before adding the toppings. If you do that, there will be no risk of your pizza not puffing up.

  2. can u tell me if we take 250gm of flour so how much yeast n other ingredients use for pizza dough??????

  3. Insha allah im also gonna try…….my dough never comes out r8…bt i think this wuld.thnx fauzia…GOD BLESS U!!! 🙂

  4. Salamz sis!
    my dough became a bit hard…i think bcz of the quantity of the milk went wrong. Cn u pls tell me the quantity of milk nd water u use? pls

    1. W/Salaam. It’s generally difficult to estimate how much water/milk is needed exactly as different flours absorb differently and different altitudes affect absorption rates. Mix half a cup of milk with half a cup of water. Warm it up, then gradually add and knead the dough. Use as much as it will take to get the dough to a soft and smooth consistency. You may need more water/milk or you may not need to use all. Once you’ve got the hang of it with your particular brand of flour, you will know for sure for next time.

  5. Hi! It’s generally difficult to estimate how much water/milk is needed exactly as different flours absorb differently and different altitudes affect absorption rates. Mix half a cup of milk with half a cup of water. Warm it up, then gradually add and knead the dough. Use as much as it will take to get the dough to a soft and smooth consistency. You may need more water/milk or you may not need to use all. Once you’ve got the hang of it with your particular brand of flour, you will know for sure for next time.

  6. Salaams Sister,
    My crust came a bit hard, why is that? I like the soft crust, so I wonder what went wrong.. and also could you please tell me the thickness of the dough when you roll it?

  7. W/Salaam, could be that you rolled it out too thin or over-baked it. The thickness should be about half an inch or a bit thinner, or if you prefer thin crust then quarter inch will do.

    1. I didn’t notice the dough rising while baking. I doubt whether the yeast was working. I used SAF brand. But the dough rose initially.

      1. Maybe you rolled the dough out too thin? Did you allow the pizza dough to rest after shaping the circle? That is when it rises, not during the baking.

  8. Salams sis,.can we use coconut milk instead of fresh milk?.and is it a must to use pizza tray since i got only squre/rectangular ones..

    1. W/Salaam, have not tried with coconut milk, this is best plain with milk or simply use warm water. And yes you can use any shaped pan, remember to grease it.

  9. A.a hpe ur 5ne sis.it a mst 2
    A.a hpe ur 5ne sis.it a mst 2 add baking powder kwani n wat abt blueband wen kneadng the flour it gud ama?

    1. W/Salaam, baking powder helps
      W/Salaam, baking powder helps reduce any extra yeasty smell from the dough. You can use blueband but oil works just as well. 🙂

  10. hey can you please tell me
    hey can you please tell me that when baking pizza if the pizza bread is ready made and baking in gas oven which flame should i turn on lower or upper griller?since my oven allows me to turn only one flame at a time.

  11. Assalam-o-alaikum Fauzia, I
    Assalam-o-alaikum Fauzia, I want to ask about baking a pizza, if I plan to bake a pizza for a party at my house & I want to ready pizza before 2/3 hours of eating time & just before half hour starting at dinner I just bake prepared pizza? Is that ok to make garnish & fully prepared a pizza & bake after around 2 hours if yes how can I store no baked pizza for 2 hours?on room temperature or what? Plz plz help me,JazakAllah…

    1. W/Salaam, you can put all the
      W/Salaam, you can put all the toppings and bake the pizza halfway (until the base looks halfway done and the cheese has begun to melt. Then remove and set it aside at room temp. When ready to serve, pop it in the hot oven and bake until completely done. You can do a practice run with a small home-pizza before the party. Just to see how it looks and turns out. I do this all the time. 🙂

      1. Thank u so much for Ur quick
        Thank u so much for Ur quick response, I must say u r a savior,JazakAllah 🙂

  12. thanx for all ur recipies ..
    thanx for all ur recipies ..
    MA they are really awsome..hats off for u..keep on adding more it helps us alot

  13. Hello – my question is can
    Hello – my question is can pizza dough be frozen? Thx

    1. Hi, yes you can freeze it.
      Hi, yes you can freeze it. Knead and wrap it well and freeze, do not allow it to rise. It will rise as it thaws when you remove it for use.

  14. Hi,Thanks for your recipes. I
    Hi,Thanks for your recipes. I tried pizza, but my crust became hard and roasted. As I am new to kitchen I am not quite sure about baking conditions in oven. what should be used to grease baking tray? what mode must be used? ( top and bottom heating or bottom heating only) The same thing happened with cakes too.:(

    1. Hi! Sounds like you may have
      Hi! Sounds like you may have over-baked the pizza. About the rods that need to be switched on, my oven works differently (I don’t have to switch on various rods at any time) but I believe for ovens like what you are using, start with the bottom one and then midway turn on the top. Accordingly see how the results are and adjust. 🙂

  15. Assalam alaykum, if I wanted
    Assalam alaykum, if I wanted to make a roasted veg pizza, would I follow the same steps? is there an issue with the base if I roast the veg beforehand? I want to avoid a soggy pizza!

  16. wow…I am so happy.My pizza
    wow…I am so happy.My pizza bread got baked so awesome…Everyone loved it. Hats Off to you Fauzya…! 🙂

  17. Assalam o alikum. I wana ask
    Assalam o alikum. I wana ask that when i maked my dou it was quite hard and cheese is not soo good. that available in the market perfectly for pizza..will you please guide me that which type of cheese i used..

    1. W/Salaam, if dough is hard
      W/Salaam, if dough is hard add more liquid and keep kneading until it is soft. Mozzarella and cheddar cheese combination are my favourite for pizza toppings.

  18. AoA.
    What is difference between Mozerrela cheese adn chadder cheese?
    can we put only chadder cheese on it? or will it effect our pizza.
    Also how to put the cheese on the pizza? like to cover it full or what?

    1. Not sure what the difference
      Not sure what the difference is, but mozzarella has a stretch quality that is awesome on pizzas. Grate the cheese then sprinkle on top of the pizza .

  19. Aoa fauzia, tried the pizza
    Aoa fauzia, tried the pizza today.. Generally turned out quite well but there was a layer of dough just beneath the topping/pizza sauce that did not get baked properly. This was giving an undercooked taste in the mouth. The central part if the pizza was like this but the outer/ peripheral part was nicely baked. What went wrong? Do u think I may have overloaded because at some places the base was a but oily and not well risen

    1. Thanks dear. Could be that
      Thanks dear. Could be that the oven heating is not consistent, maybe the middle is not as hot as the sides. Although yes you need to make sure you do not overload the middle.

  20. Assalamu alaikum FKF and a
    Assalamu alaikum FKF and a belated Eid Mubarak to you all! I was wondering whether you have a pizza dough recipe that is gluten free for those who are intolerant to wheat and other gluten grains?
    I made the pizza for iftaar in Ramadhan and it was a hit! Shukran 🙂

    1. W/Salaam and thank you. I
      W/Salaam and thank you. I will add a couple of gluten free pizza bases soon inshaAllah. 🙂

  21. Salaams All 🙂
    Salaams All 🙂
    This recipe is a hit in my house!
    Looking forward to the gluten free bases in sha Allah x


  23. Assalamu alaikum,
    Assalamu alaikum,
    Mashallah this website is really good and you are doing a very wonderful job.1 thing I’d like to appreciate about you is you reply to the doubts asked by users immediately…I am residing in India..Was googling around and came across this website…
    I am trying for the past 1 month,googling in the internet, trying to find out why my pizza dough doesn’t rise…Can you tell me why?I read your blog over the possible reasons for a dough not to rise…Still it didn’t help me..I use active dry yeast.Like you said i add it in warm water with sugar(make it stand for 15 mins) for it to get activated and then only pour it into flour…Small small bubbles appear on the surface…Then i knead the dough adding oil and warm milk for about 10 minutes and then cover it with a lid and make it stand for about 1 hour—still it doesn’t rise..:(Please help..

    1. W/Salaam, could be that the
      W/Salaam, could be that the brand of yeast you are using is not good. How do you store the yeast after opening a new pack? When you activate the active dry yeast it should froth and make lots of bubbles. If yours just makes small bubbles that means it is not strong enough. Try a different brand and see if there is a difference and make sure to store opened yeast in an airtight container in the fridge.

  24. I have tried 2 different
    I have tried 2 different brands and both gave me same results..Shall search for any other…I have doubts on the storage conditions…Once i open it,Is it ok if i empty out the contents of the yeast packet into an airtight container[have been doing this all this time].
    Or Should i fold the package it came in,down to yeast level (to remove the extra air)and then Seal it with some tape or a clip before putting into the fridge.[This is what i read somewhere]

    1. Normally if I buy a big pack,
      Normally if I buy a big pack, I simply pour out some into an airtight container for everyday use and keep it refrigerated. The rest of the pack I fold it down and clip it closed and also keep that refrigerated.

  25. I tried the recipe and turned
    I tried the recipe and turned out really gud.
    Every one liked it.
    Thanks fauzia.

  26. Hey, Do we have to mix yeast
    Hey, Do we have to mix yeast in water or we can put it directly in dry ingredients. And i want to know is pizza dough really sticky when you knead it before letting it sit for rise?

    1. Hi, if you are using INSTANT
      Hi, if you are using INSTANT yeast as the recipe states, you add it to the flour directly. If you are using ACTIVE DRY yeast then you need to activate it in warm water before adding it to the flour. And no it should not be too sticky, it should be very soft but manageable.

  27. Salaams Fauzia. I tried your
    Salaams Fauzia. I tried your pizza recipe today and the dough turned out perfectly! Thanks! I usually make pizza but in the dough add an egg and butter. Your recipe is much easier, thanks!

  28. My pizza turned out fantastic
    My pizza turned out fantastic ! Thank you fauzia 🙂
    Just a quick question regarding the dough .. This recipe gave me a good thickness crust . What amount of flour should i use for a medium crust like not very thin .. I was thinking maybe 1 n 1/2 cups of flour ?? Plus i baked the pizza for 15mins and it was ready . A thinner crust would take less time ?

    1. You can divide the dough and
      You can divide the dough and make two thin crust pizzas (slightly smaller in size). And yes they would require a slightly shorter baking time. Thanks for the lovely feedback!

  29. Salam sis, I’m a fan from
    Salam sis, I’m a fan from Nigeria….I really wanna tryout your pizza but unfortunately, I live in a place where we don’t have mozarella cheese or chedar cheese….what can I use instead of cheese pls?

    1. W/Salaam, in my opinion a
      W/Salaam, in my opinion a pizza is not really a pizza without the cheese…that is the best part of it! However if you do not have cheese you could try beating an egg and drizzling it over the pizza.

  30. Assalamualikum.i did make the
    Assalamualikum.i did make the pizza today.as i dnt have oven i bought the base and i used tawa at the end but the cheese did melt properly and the down part got burnt nor it was hot on top.plzzzz clarify my mistake

    1. W/Salaam, please refer to my
      W/Salaam, please refer to my stove-top method for making pizza if you do not have an oven.

  31. Aoa. I love your recipes they
    Aoa. I love your recipes they turn it soo good!!! Thank you so much 🙂 I want to make pizza but I’m all out of yeast for dough. Will my dough rise without yeast?

    1. Thanks! Yeast is the main
      Thanks! Yeast is the main raising agent and unfortunately you will need it for this recipe to work well.

  32. Salam dear fauzia, I’m going
    Salam dear fauzia, I’m going to make milk wid milk powder.so already I have to add water to make milk. If so do I need to add more water as u mentioned ‘milk + water ‘?

    1. W/Salaam, well for kneading
      W/Salaam, well for kneading it is ok either way. The milk helps make the dough softer. So you can either mix more water or add more milk, really up to you. 🙂

  33. Salam,why u use oil to the
    Salam,why u use oil to the dough? can I ado butter instead? bcz with butter its easy for me to kneed.And can I mix this pizza dough with a stand mixture? my hands soo paining while kneeding :@ please share ur ideas regarding theses!

    1. W/Salaam, this dough turns
      W/Salaam, this dough turns out best with oil but yes you can use butter, melt it first. And yes you can use a stand mixer, just give it a quick short knead afterwards before covering it for the first rise.

  34. Thnx alotttttttt I luv ur
    Thnx alotttttttt I luv ur recipes ,continue ur great job fauzia In shaa Allah!

  35. Hi, How much flour do I need
    Hi, How much flour do I need for making two 12inch thick crust pizza?

  36. Hi….Fauzia i am die hearted
    Hi….Fauzia i am die hearted fan of your’s recepies..i tried this and it was soooo yummy, i never knew i can be good at baking too but recepies are so perfect that anyone can cook 😉 .just one quick question..can i make this pizza with self rising flour? actually i am thinking of making it right now but i dont have all purpose flour.so will it turn out well with self rising flour too?

    1. Hi, thank you! SR flour tends
      Hi, thank you! SR flour tends to have a lot of baking powder and it might be a bit too much for this bread dough which relies on yeast. You could try although am not certain that the results will be as good as with all purpose flour.

    1. Yes you can. I have a niece
      Yes you can. I have a niece who cannot take cheese, so I just beat an egg or two with a bit of salt and pepper and drizzle it over her pizza. It helps hold everything together, just like the cheese does. 🙂

  37. How do I get the edge of the
    How do I get the edge of the crust higher than the base?

    1. Use a pan that has a bit of
      Use a pan that has a bit of depth to it so you can raise the sides of the base as you shape it.

  38. Assalamu alaikum
    Assalamu alaikum

    Can I half bake the crust before adding the toppings? Coz whenever i make pizza, the middle part doesn’t get cooked and thus the edges becomes over baked…. Can you figure out why?

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