Fauzia's Kitchen Fun

Pizza Roses – Step by Step


Pizza Roses - Step by Step

A small twist on my famous Rose Rolls, these are what I now call Pizza Roses!! Gorgeous soft flowery rolls with a deliciously satisfying cheesy chicken filling, they taste just like rolled up pizzas and are so delicious especially when warm.
Note:  I have used my previous Rose Rolls Photo Collage, but have replaced pics 4, 8 and 12 to show the filling addition and final outcome of the Pizza Rolls. The rest of the shaping is exactly the same.
Servings 8 Roses


  • For the dough, I used my basic pizza dough. You can use the same dough as the Rose Rolls, but I find this dough works best with a cheesy filling as it is a lighter-textured dough (no egg added to it).
  • Here is the dough recipe – Pizza Dough. (this dough makes around 8 Pizza Roses)
  • For the filling, I have used my basic Pizza Sauce, Spicy Chicken and some shredded mozzarella and cheddar cheese.
  • STEP 1: Divide the dough into 8 sections and shape them into neat balls.
  • STEP 2: Now you can start shaping the Roses. Roll out each ball to about 4″ diameter.
  • STEP 3: Brush a bit of butter on the circle of dough. Make 4 diagonal slits, leaving the center intact.
  • STEP 4: Apply a thin coating of pizza sauce, some filling in the center and shredded cheese all over.
  • STEP 5: Take one of the sections and cover the side of the filling with it.
  • STEP 6: Take the opposite side’s section and cover the other side of the filling with it.
  • STEP 7 & 8: Repeat with the two last sections.
  • STEP 9: Pinch the dough on the side to seal it. Repeat until all rose-rolls are ready.
  • STEP 10: Place the prepared rolls on a greased tray.
  • STEP 11: Pre-heat your oven to 180 C. If using the Pizza dough, allow the roses to rest and double in size. If using the Rose Rolls dough, there will be no need to let the roses rise a second time. Brush each rose gently with egg yolk mixed with a tsp. of milk. Sprinkle with sesame seeds. Bake for about 15-20 minutes or until tops are golden and rolls are ready.
  • STEP 12: Remove and brush them with melted butter. Keep them covered until time of serving so they stay soft. Enjoy your delicious Pizza Roses!!

Join the Conversation

  1. Assalam. Fauzi al ur post ar wonderful! Jazakallahu khair is d only word i can say to u. Cos i benefit alot. Pls where can i get d follwin 4rm?tandoori masala,capsicum,coriander,cumin powder&soya sauce. & how does each look like? Tanks.

    1. W/Salaam, thanks. You can get these at the market, please google each word to see how the ingredient looks.

    2. Assalam Fauzia well done for the wonderful job may Allah increase your knowledge, I would like to help sis Bilkisu Bello who wants to know where she can get these spice she mentioned like: tandoori masala cumin coriander etc if she leaves in Nigeria I can help her.she can have my email.Jazakillahu Khayran.Rukayya

  2. salaam sis. just wondering about pic 4 and 5. pic 4 shows the dough with the filling on all four parts and pic 5 shows one part folded up with filling inside but the remaining 3 parts dont have filling on it? is there supposed to be filling between every ‘petal’? also, can this be made with puff pastry?

    1. W/Salaam, please read the note given right at the TOP of the recipe. Yes it can be made with puff pastry.

      1. Hi how are you hope doing well i wish to have recipt of Mukate wa Chila, sorry am out of the above

  3. Eid Mubarak fauzia I tried this with pastry sheets and it turned out well,
    Masha allaah this is a sadakathul jahriya.

  4. Salam I made the one with chicken filling turned out lovely…love your receipe.first time my dough turned out right..i used the oven as you have mentioned to keep the dough warm…thanx

  5. asalm-0-alikum how ru ? u r recipe site is to much owsome i have got alot of recpies which r very easy to cook and and u r way of style for learing is to gud thanks alot to u because u give us owsom site address which w;ll be very helpful to us thanks takecare

  6. Assalaam i want to thanks u for sharing all ur awsome recipe its absolutely amazing i love ur pizza rose jazakAllah

  7. Asa,I tried ur pizza roses on eid and they turned superb..I really like ur page and most of ur recipes that I’ve tried are very yummy.may Allah bless u.

  8. hey.. just tried your pizza
    hey.. just tried your pizza roses.. turned out lovely..
    thankyou for the recipe… perfect quantity of ingredients… any one make them.. thanks once again…


  9. Hey…can we use already
    Hey…can we use already available puff pastry or fillo pastry

    1. Hi, yes you can use puff
      Hi, yes you can use puff pastry. Filo may be a bit too delicate to shape.

  10. Salaam at what stage can you
    Salaam at what stage can you freeze the pizza roses . I would like to make them ahead of time and freeze for Ramayana Iftar.

    1. W/Salaam, you can half-bake
      W/Salaam, you can half-bake the roses and then pack and freeze. When ready to serve just let them thaw and then brush them with some butter or milk and bake for a few minutes until they are done. 🙂

  11. these are totally divine.
    these are totally divine. Thank you so much for coming up with such original and fusion recipes. What would we do without you 🙂 This dough recipe only makes a few pizza rolls. If I wanted to make more, do I simply double the recipe in all the ingredients? or do I have to knead 2 separate doughs? secondly do you have any ideas for vegetarian filling. I am hosting a dinner party for a few non veg but 1 vegetarian also…. Thanks for your help.

    1. Thanks! Yes you can simply
      Thanks! Yes you can simply double the dough ingredients, no need to knead the dough twice. And please have a look at my fillings folder for a few veggie options. 🙂

  12. Am planning to try and
    Am planning to try and combine cinnmon rolls and rose rolls …wish me luck…just kept the dough for rising….:)

  13. Can you make these before
    Can you make these before hand and freeze it? Also, can you make this with pastry dough?

    1. Yes make and bake them THEN
      Yes make and bake them THEN wrap them up well and freeze. Yes you can use pastry dough.

  14. Hi fauzia, where should we
    Hi fauzia, where should we keep the tray in the oven, at base or middle rack or high rack?

  15. Hi Fauzia. I love your recipe
    Hi Fauzia. I love your recipe. Can I use wheat flour for this recipe? also in your other recipes where egg should be used,can I substitute it with something else? i am allergic to eggs

    1. Hi, yes you can use wheat
      Hi, yes you can use wheat flour but please note that as with all whole wheat flour recipes, the results may end up being a bit dense/heavy. And yes you can use 2 tbsp of yoghurt in place of each egg used in the dough ingredients.

  16. I’ve never found a pizza
    I’ve never found a pizza recipe that works for me until I tried this one! It’s lovely, the dough turns out perfectly soft everytime. The roses are so pretty too, it’s a Ramadhaan favourite.

  17. Hi fouzia thank for your
    Hi fouzia thank for your repliyeiask you a qesion please i can use wheat flour for every caken egg also thank wassalam

    1. Hi, whole wheat flour for
      Hi, whole wheat flour for cakes is not advisable as they will be dense and heavy. I have 2 eggless cake recipes (plain and chocolate) in the cake folder, please refer to them for the full recipes.

  18. hi fauzia, ur recipes are
    hi fauzia, ur recipes are very gud……. can u tell me can we bake these pizza roses in cooker… if yes than how tell me the procedure also… thanks

    1. Hi, thanks. You can use the
      Hi, thanks. You can use the stove-top method of baking as shown in that section on this website.

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