Fauzia's Kitchen Fun

Chicken-Filled Buns


Chicken-Filled Buns

Soft buns with a delicious chicken filling.
Servings 14 Small Buns


  • 3 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 tsp. instant yeast
  • 1/4 tsp. baking powder
  • 1 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 1 tsp. sugar
  • 4 tbsp oil plus 1 tbsp. butter
  • water and milk half and half


  • First, sieve the flour and add the salt, sugar baking powder, yeast, oil and butter. Heat the water/milk to lukewarm (very hot water will kill the yeast). Add the water gradually into the flour whilst kneading until you have a soft but firm dough. Knead the dough, pounding it as much as you can to give the buns a delicately soft texture. The more you knead the better the result.
  • Put the dough into a lightly-oiled spacious bowl and turn it over in the bowl once so that the little oil covers the dough all over. Cover the bowl with a damp warm towel and let the dough rise for about half an hour to 45 mins.
  • Once risen, punch down, then knead it again for 2-3mins. Make into about 14 balls. Roll out each ball into a circle. Place your mixture in the center, then ball it up and seal. Place the formed buns on an oiled tray with the seam underneath, apply egg-wash and sprinkle with sesame seeds then bake at 170 C for about 10-12 mins. I dab a bit of butter on the buns when they r straight out of the oven, then cover them with a cloth so they get reaaaaaaally soft.
  • HERE is the recipe for my chicken and potato filling that I’ve used in these buns, although you can use any filling you prefer. Enjoy!

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  1. hi, thanx for your amazing recipes. can i ask what amount of water and milk i should use for this recipe. it says half and half but of what total amount?

    1. Hi! It’s generally difficult to estimate how much water/milk is needed exactly as different flours absorb differently and different altitudes affect absorption rates. Mix half a cup of milk with half a cup of water. Warm it up, then gradually add and knead the dough. Use as much as it will take to get the dough to a soft and smooth consistency. You may need more water/milk or you may not need to use all. Once you’ve got the hang of it with your particular brand of flour, you will know for sure for next time.

  2. darling fauzia i dont find words 2 say thanx 4 ur work.iam agreat fan of yours. ur each dish is awesome.please help me get the recipe of phirozki.please

  3. at what point can we freeze these buns for later use?..I want to make them but the day guests come I hardly get time to prepare these buns so i end up not making them and make other items.

    and yes- Can you tell us how to prepare in advance for an iftar party preparation?.. cuz I am planning to give iftar party and wish to make Honeycomb bread-croissants- buns- should i make these a day before and freeze?

  4. Hi Fauzia, jst made these buns, were so Soft and absolutely delicious. However they didn’t look as inviting as yours :(.

    1. Thanks for the great feedback. Don’t understand about yours not being inviting…

    1. Oh don’t you worry, am sure yours were excellent and since they turned out soft and yummy, the shaping will get perfected with a bit of practice. 🙂

  5. hey its says sugar in the ingerdients but not in the method. do we put sugar with flour and is that normal sugar or castor sugar. by the way this recipe looks yummy so i really want to try this out when i do i will send you a pick

    1. Hi Sofia, I have edited the recipe to include the sugar in the ingredients, thank you. Normal sugar.

  6. Dear Fauzia,

    For the tea cup measurement can i use the measuring cups which we get in the market? also i have a microwave oven so what’s the temperature i have to use and how long i have to keep the buns inside..??

    1. Please refer to this note for measurement conversions: My Measurements

      As for the microwave oven, I personally never bake in my microwave so cannot be sure on the temperature adjustments that need to be made for that. If you have baked buns/breads/cakes before, use the same temperature you have used in the past.

  7. salams fauzia just wanted to ask about the chicken filled buns, its says sugar in the ingerdients but not in the method. do i put sugar with flour and is that normal sugar or castor sugar. by the way the recipe looks yummy so i really want to try this out today or tomorow so please can you reply as soon as possible jazakallah and also can you help me by telling me the differance between the instant yeast and the fast acting yeast as my mum has only the fast acting yeast so she wants to knw if we can use that instead, when i make the buns inshallah i will send you a pic, jazakallah

    1. W/Salaam, thanks for bringing that to my attention, had forgotten to mention the sugar in my instructions. It is the normal/regular sugar and it is added with all the other ingredients in the flour. I believe instant yeast is the same as fast acting, does your mum add it directly into the flour or does she mix it with warm water first?

      1. she mixes it with warm water first wenever she uses yeast. what would you recommend for the buns, mixing it with water first or adding it to the flour first and jazakallah for your reply its been helpful me n my mum are so looking forward to making them as they are something diffrent to try out for iftari, also we will be tryin the rose roll buns too

        1. Yes, mix the yeast you use with warm water first then add to the flour, just like your mum usually does. Increase the amount of yeast to 1 and a half tsp. instead of 1 tsp. Good luck and let me know how they turn out! My love to your mum too please. 🙂

          1. awww jazakallah my mum sends her love too and i will definately let you know how they turn out. jazakallah once again, and you are doin a great job

  8. Hi fauzia.. ur rose bun recipe is different from this 1… could u tell me the reason .. could we not use the same bun recipe for all???

    1. Hi, different doughs work differently for shaping or with the fillings. You can use any dough you like but I try to make sure that I have paired the right dough for the right results required.

  9. Salam fauzia sister.First of all eid mubarik….hope you are having great funwwid ur family along with ur special expertise.yesterday i made these buns and its my second time but i couldn’t find a way to wrap these chicken buns.plz plz can you add the pic of its wrapping in ur step by step folder i dun want to miss these buns.their looks are great if these are perfectly wrap.so helpppppppp

    1. W/Salaam, inshaAllah will do although it is very very simple. Just stretch out a piece of dough in your hand, add the filing and close it up! Press to seal then flatten the ball.

  10. Salamz fauzia…
    i want to knw whether water and milk half is 1 cup warm milk? and for milk do we use fresh milk or normal powder milk? w8ing for ur reply soon…

  11. W/Salaam, fresh milk never powdered. When a recipe calls for powdered milk I normally indicate it. 🙂

  12. I’m really struggling my dough doesn’t rise. I used. Dried active yeast. I dissolved some in warm water but it doesn’t work???? Help

  13. Thank you so much for this recipe. I tried this and they were yummm….i did a prawn chilli masala stuffing, its my hubby favourite…Thanks again!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Hi, it is an egg yolk beaten with 1 tsp milk that is then brushed on the buns/breads before baking. It helps give the bread a lovely colour after baking.

  15. Can I fill up the buns, ready to bake, then b
    ake the following morning? If so, shall ll I refrigerate the buns?

  16. This is absolutely amazing
    This is absolutely amazing Fauzia.Thank you so much.May ALLAH (SWT) reward U

  17. i made it yesterday and it
    i made it yesterday and it was very very soft and tasty

  18. Hello fauzia assalamualaikum
    Hello fauzia assalamualaikum ..thank you for sucha lovely recipe ! It was yum but the bun was doughy inside ? What would have gone wrong ? Plz help me out 🙂 as I’m planning to bake them again this thursday for Iftar inshaa Allah

    1. Hi, did you knead the dough
      Hi, did you knead the dough well? Was the yeast good? Did the dough rise after kneading and again after shaping the buns?

  19. Asak. How much yeast should I
    Asak. How much yeast should I add if I want to make half the quantity? Thanks.

  20. salams sister I have some
    salams sister I have some dough leftover what can I make from it that does not require filling

    1. W/salaam, you can prepare and
      W/salaam, you can prepare and half-bake pizza bases then wrap them up and freeze. when you need to make a pizza, just get the base out and add your sauce and toppings and cheese, bake. 🙂

  21. Salams Fauzia, Just want to
    Salams Fauzia, Just want to know if we are using 500grms of flour can u tell me the measurements for the rest of the ingredients please.

    1. W/Salaam, this recipe
      W/Salaam, this recipe requires 3 cups (each cup is 120gm, so that makes it 460gm). Simply remove 2 tbsp of flour from your 500gm and follow the recipe exactly. 🙂

  22. Salamis Fauzia, thank you the
    Salamis Fauzia, thank you the buns turned out yummy n soft! Thanx to you I got them right this time 🙂 I used the spicy chicken filling instead, was delicioussss! Quick question tho, they were perfectly cooked, but I didn’t get the lovely golden brown colour-I used egg wash and in the second batch used egg yolk with a little milk to get the colour, but they were still a little pale- any tips for this please? Thank you x

    1. Thanks for the great feedback
      Thanks for the great feedback. If your oven has a top grill turn it on during the last few minutes of baking to get the golden colour on top.

  23. Perfect and yumm… loved it
    Perfect and yumm… loved it sis.. jazakallah khair sis 😀 ♥

  24. Assalam alaikum 🙂
    Assalam alaikum 🙂

    Made these chicken buns last week for a car journey with husband, and by the time we started travelling we were left with only 6 out of 14 buns 😉 husband really liked them 🙂

    Thank you fauzia 🙂
    I’ll post you pics on Facebook soon 🙂

  25. Salam Fauzia
    Salam Fauzia

    Can the dough be left to rise for more than 45 mins? I had to go somewhere and the dough was left for 2 hours under a damp cloth. Will it be okay, little nervous before trying now…

    1. W/Salaam, that is fine. It
      W/Salaam, that is fine. It may smell a bit yeasty if it over-fermented, but otherwise the taste will be fine.

  26. Asak wr wb fauzia! Can i use
    Asak wr wb fauzia! Can i use creamy chicken filling or spicy chicken filling for these buns?

  27. Hi fauzia , is there any need
    Hi fauzia , is there any need to preheat the oven before baking buns?

    1. Always preheat the oven
      Always preheat the oven before baking anything unless the recipe says not to preheat.

  28. Hi fauzia, in this receipe
    Hi fauzia, in this receipe preheating is not written, simpling baking at 170 C ..will it do???

    1. Hi, always preheat at the
      Hi, always preheat at the same temperature that you plan on baking with.

  29. it came out very good. just
    it came out very good. just one problem i got. i dont know how to put the filling well. my filling was very little. when ive try to put more filling , all came out!! so ive put very little!

    1. Hi, try to make sure the
      Hi, try to make sure the dough is really soft and sticky so that you can stretch it out and seal it without forming any gaps from which the filling can drop. 🙂

  30. Assalamualaikum. Thank you
    Assalamualaikum. Thank you for helping to login. Made chicken buns it turned out to be fabulous. Thankyou for all your recipes. May Allah bless you.

  31. I tried the buns receipe 2-3
    I tried the buns receipe 2-3 times and it turned out gud. The buns split open at the seam from the corners ( only ). The base of the buns becomes sticky at some places & the sticky part becomes dark brown.

    1. Make sure to knead the dough
      Make sure to knead the dough really realy well to create the gluten in the dough that will prevent it from cracking during shaping and baking. It needs to be soft and stretchy.

  32. Hello wantd to ask can i use
    Hello wantd to ask can i use creamy chicken filling to dis recipe..

  33. Assalamu alaikum Fauzia!
    Assalamu alaikum Fauzia!

    Alhamdulillah! My buns came out well but I have few doubts to be cleared:
    1. I usually get cracks in my dough. Can you please explain me the reason for this?
    2. How many grams is 1 cup of flour? Is there an approx. amount for that? Or does it depend on the types of flour? Can I measure flour using the measuring cup?
    3. Is it better to use Fresh milk or Anchor milk powder?
    4. When rolling the dough to make the bun, should I roll it thick or thin?

    1. W/Salaam, make sure to knead
      W/Salaam, make sure to knead the dough well enough so that gluten forms and it gets stretchy without cracking. 1 cup of flour is 120 g, you can refer to my measurements note in the tips and tricks section for details. Use fresh milk, not powder unless the recipe specifically says to use powdered milk. Roll it to less than a quarter inch thickness.

  34. jazakallah khairah Fauzia!
    jazakallah khairah Fauzia!

    I took 130 g for 1 cup of flour. Do you think this also would have been a reason for it to crack? I knead for around 10 minutes or more than that.

    1. No, that’s not that big a
      No, that’s not that big a difference in amount to cause cracks. Just be sure to add enough liquid during kneading so the dough is soft and pliable.

  35. Salaam Fauzia. Thank you for the recipe, the buns turned out very well. The only problem was that the sesame seeds fall off when we dab butter on the buns after they are baked. Can you please suggest how to dab butter so that the sesame seeds doesn’t fall off .
    Thank you

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