Fauzia's Kitchen Fun

Gulab Jamuns


Gulab Jamuns

Gulab Jamuns are soft, sweet and utterly addictive. There are a few tips that are necessary to bear in mind BEFORE making them in order to achieve PERFECT results.
Servings 20 people


Ingredients for Sheera/Syrup

  • 2 cups sugar
  • 2 cups water
  • tiny pinch of orange colour or some strands of saffron
  • 1/4 tsp. powdered cardamon

Ingredients for Gulab Jamuns

  • 1 cup NIDO or any good quality powdered milk or 2 palm-sized mawas approximately
  • 1 egg lightly beaten
  • 1 tsp. semolina/sooji
  • 2 tbsp. plain all purpose flour
  • 1 tsp. baking powder
  • oil as needed


  • 1. Make sure you are using a good quality FULL-FAT milk powder. I prefer using Nido. Lesser qualities or low-fat powders may result in gulab jamuns which have a hard center.
    2. If the dough doesn’t come together easily, do not add any oil. You can add a bit of extra egg OR a few drops of milk until the dough is soft and comes together well.
    3. Once the dough is prepared and the balls shaped, fry them on LOW heat. This ensures they are fully cooked all the way through. Frying them on high heat will result in hard centers as the jamuns will not get fully cooked.
    4. Make sure the sheera/syrup that you will be adding the fried jamuns into is at ROOM TEMPERATURE or just WARM. It should not be boiling hot when you add the hot fried gulab jamuns. Adding hot jamuns to very hot syrup will tighten and shrink them and they will lose the lovely texture and shape.
    That’s it! Once you have these important points down, you will achieve the most perfect gulab jamuns. 
    For the Syrup/Sheera
    Heat all the ingredients together until the sugar dissolves, then give it a boil on low heat for about 3-5 minutes so it thickens slightly. Let it cool. This will make a bit extra sheera, you can store any excess in the fridge for your next batch of gulab jamuns. It keeps well.
    For the Gulab Jamuns
    Combine the milk powder, baking powder, semolina and flour together.
    Add in the egg, then mix it gently to make a soft dough. Now make small balls out of the dough. This should make about 16 balls. If the dough feels sticky, touch a bit of oil with your fingertips and then form the balls. If the dough is too hard, add a few drops of milk and knead it in until you can form smooth balls. Make sure you fry the balls immediately so that they don’t dry out.
    Heat oil on medium, add the gulab jamuns one at a time. Carefully, splash some of the oil over them gently. Lower the heat, if the oil is too hot they will burn from the outside and stay raw on the inside. So keep the oil really low whilst they fry, gently stirring the oil AROUND them so they turn around and get evenly colored. When they have doubled in size and are evenly browned all over, remove with a slotted spoon and put them directly into the sheera/syrup. Remember, the sheera should not be boiling hot, it should be kept on very low heat so that it’s JUST slightly warm. They will expand a bit more as they soak up the syrup.
    If you want the fried gulab jamuns softer, boil them in the sheera on very low heat for about 5 minutes whilst covered (put on dum). Then switch off and serve.
    Garnish with chopped nuts and serve warm! 

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  1. i hav tried ur gulab jamun recipe it was awsome..every body luved dem at home..thanku soo much

    1. aslmwlkm fauzia!i tried ur recipes for gulab jamun as well as kebab biryani for eid and they turned out awesome!jazakallah loads for these excellent recipes and keep them coming!

  2. Mine didn’t come well Fauzia…came out hard…very hard..didn’t soak up the syrup inspire of putting them on dumm ….wat do u think went wrong sis? I used Nido milk pdr.. 🙁

    1. Did you fry them on low heat? Also, how was the dough when you made it? Was it soft or hard? It needs to be on the soft side, even if it means adding a tiny bit of extra egg. Also, was the syrup hot when you put the fried jamuns into it? It needs to be warm or even at room temperature. Adding hot jamuns to hot syrup makes them tighten up and harden. To solve the problem for now, take a clean pin and poke holes all over the jamuns. Put them back in the syrup, cover the pot and put it on low heat for a few minutes.

    1. Yes it will as these are later dipped in sweet syrup, using sweetened milk powder might end up giving you overly sweet results.

  3. Assalamualaikum…Fauzia am xtremely happy to come across all these recipe..thanks loads..

  4. Fauzia, I have khoya/mawa and wanted to use this to make Jamuns. Do you have a recipe for that?

    1. Yes you can use finely grated mawa in place of the milk powder. About 250gm of mawa.

  5. Salam dear itried ur recip the gulab jamans apparently lukd great n blown up n evn soft but aftr dipping in sugr syrup for abt 8 hrs stil the centre ws a lil hard lik it dint soak up in the midle hop u understand my query wht wud hv gone wrong it ws v soft frm outside though

    1. W/Salaam, was the syrup hot when you added them into it? They syrup needs to be at room temperature or warm but not hot when you add the fried jamuns into it. Try poking them with a clean pin and then dip them back in the syrup, cover and put them on low heat to steam for about 5 minutes. This will help soften the centers.

  6. Hello,
    amazing and very nicely explained recipes.
    Haven’t tried any but will try one inshalla tomorrow.
    Tks keep up the good work

  7. Salaam fauzia, My husband really likes gulaab jamuns but this recipe didn’t work for me.Although I did exactly as listed. But the surface was too hard and it didn’t soak up enough sheera, also when I dropped it into sheera , they lost their shape and shrunk. would you be able to help and tell me what went wrong?
    Thanks a lot anyway for sharing you lovely recipes with us. I admire your effort a lot. Thanks!

    1. W/Salaam, sorry to hear that! Was the sheera very hot when you added the gulab jamuns? If it was then that was the problem, the sheera needs to be at room temp or just a bit warm but not HOT. Also did you use Nido full fat milk powder or another brand? The low fat versions for some reason never turn out right.

  8. will you please tell weight of powder milk in grams because different cups have different sizes

  9. is this the same recipe for the gulab jamun with syrup or is this the dry one thats dipped in syrup and then rolled in coconut.

  10. AOA,fauzia baji can u tell me that this recipe serves how many people or approx how many gulab jamuns will result with this recipe?

    1. W/Salaam, as long as it would take for them to soak. About 15 minutes is normally a rough estimate.

  11. May i use Amul Milk powder, the content of fat in it is 18.1(g) will it be fine ?? I m finding difficult to get Nido

    1. Have not tried Nestle Milk powder so am not sure on the results for that, please try and then let me know how they turn out.

  12. they turned out good but the dough became quite sticky so i did not use complete egg,just used as required for making dough.

    1. Your dish luks soo yummy!!Is it okey if i use any other milk powder xpt Nido?can i use normal liquid milk instead of the powder?if i then how much should i use?and its not necessary to add mawa’s right?the colour will come automatically if i add saffron?

      1. I have not tried with any other milk powder. Basically any GOOD QUALITY full-fat milk powder will work. Either use milk powder OR mawa.

  13. salam fauzia… I tried these today… they did not come out good at all!! 🙁 were kind of hard and lol looked like punctured balls… D) want to inshallah try again… but any idea what might have gone wrong? also for how long should i knead the dough? it was extremely sticky and very difficult to work with.. so i quickly mixed it together and made the balls… thanks in advance for any suggestions.. <3

    1. W/Salaam, could be any number of reasons. What quality of milk powder did you use? Did you fry on low heat? What measurement cup did you use? The dough should not be sticky, if the egg is too big next time use a smaller one or don’t pour the full egg in one go, add gradually and knead well until the stickiness goes away. Hope you read the tips at the top of the recipe. If you follow them you cannot possibly go wrong.

  14. i used nido full fat milk.. so i just gave a second try… for mixing i used a food glove and added the egg gradually… and it did the trick.. 🙂 dough was not sticky at all and i didn’t even need oil to make the balls… thank you much for the wonderful recipe!! <3

  15. AA Fauzia. Your recipes are wonderful. JazakAllah for posting them. I tried the gulab jamuns today and they were fine until i put them in the refridgerator. I guess i shouldnt have. But how can i soften them up agin?

  16. salam fauzia,

    i tried the above recipe and mashallah it came out so good….for the sheera i used my own which i make for arabic desserts….

    Thanks for the recipe,Allah swt may grant his blessings on you for sharing your passion…ameen..

  17. Aa fauzia.
    Its the 2nd time i ve tried making Gulab jam but both times they were hard not soft, i used NIDO and i the sheera was room temp + dough was soft but my sheera was a lil bit thicker and when serving the gulab jam were hard i was disappointed coz i made for hubby on eid day and he made fun of me and called them golf balls:'( what could i have done wrong? Pls help coz i want to give it a 3rd try. Jazakillah and God bless u.

    1. W/Salaam, did you fry them on low heat? They need to be fried on a mild gentle flame so they get cooked all the way through to the center. And whenever the sheera is too thick, you can lighten it up by adding some water and simmering for a bit. Thick sheera will not absorb into the jamuns.

  18. yeah i fried them on very low heat they were a very nice brown golden colour and i put them immediately in the sheera..would u know what could be the reason that could have made them hard? maybe the thick sheera?any idea y this happens?

    1. Hmm, could be the sheera did not get absorbed into the jamuns thereby making them harden. Try to make the syrup thinner next time and see if that helps. Knead the mixture/dough well before shaping them so everything gets thoroughly mixed. Use full-fat Nido in case your version is the low-fat kind.

      1. thx Fauzia will do and let u know how it turns out, another thing do i have to knead the mixture for long mpaka ishikane like we do for mahamri/chapati?

        1. No you don’t have to knead it very long like how you would dough, just enough to get it nice and smooth.

  19. hi fauzia
    i tried these gulam jamuns
    taste was good bt whn i soaked them in syrup they got pinched like air went out of em n they got shranked.
    what went wrong?
    plz help

  20. Aoa
    Dear Fauzia
    Would u please indicate the exact quantity of Flour and soji. Is it 1 tb spoon leveled or heaped or slightly heaped. Also ur Tip in the end of ur recipe isnt clear to me. Do I need to put the fried jamuns on dum for 5 minutes?means flame will be on. But then u said that sheera has to be on room temperature. I hope u r understanding my question. Please reply me ASAP with ur convenience. I want to make it for my family. They all just love gulab jamuns.

    Thanks in advance 🙂
    I appreciate ur great work.

    1. W/Salaam. Level spoonfuls always, unless the recipe indicates otherwise. When adding the HOT jamuns into the syrup, the syrup HAS to be at room temp or just warm. Once all are in, THEN you can turn on the heat on low and cover, allowing them to steam gently in they syrup to soften them.

  21. Aslm Alkm,

    S der a prob if i leav d jamuns widin d same vessel tat i steamed it on cover for some time? My jamuns haven’t blown up at all yet! 🙁

  22. Salamz fauIa I tried out your Devine gulag jamuns they turned out well in taste but when I was kneading the dough it was v rough and the balls didn’t turn out perfect round I added milk then a few were round in shape but again it dried out y did this happened

    1. W/Salaam, thanks for the lovely feedback. The roughness could be the brand of milk powder used, or the egg was a bit too small.

  23. Assalamoalykum Fauzia. Thank you for sharing such wonderful recipes with us. I want to make htese gulab jamuns and this would be the first time I try them. I want to serve them tomorrow. Is it ok to make them todqay and then keep in fridge or at room temp until tomorrow night? I dont want them to be just perfect so please advise accordingly. Thank you in advance 🙂

    1. W/Salaam, they normally don’t take much time to make, I would suggest that you try the recipe a day ahead just to be on the safe side as it is a recipe you have not tried before. InshaAllah they will be perfect. 🙂

  24. Dear Fauzia
    I just made them and they turned out soooooooooooooo lovely. Thank yo and JazakAllah for this wonderful recipe. I tried Zarda also and I made it for the firt time. It was so good mashAllah just like a daig wala zarda….I am really thankful to you…You are the best 🙂

  25. Assallam oalikum..dear i made2 ,3 time but when i give shapein balls its looks crack wholeballs then i fry its not look good….what should i do?plzz reply???

    1. W/Salaam, could be that the egg you used is too small so the dough is too dry, add a few drops of milk and knead until the dough is smooth then shape them.

    1. When cracks form it could mean the dough is crumbly, even if it is soft. Try the tip of adding a bit of milk to the dough so when you shape the balls they become very smooth.

  26. AOA ! Thanks for the recipe.My dough was also very crumbly and i kept on adding milk but still did’t work. In the end i just fried them, the taste was ok but from outside they were really hard. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance 🙂

    1. Maybe the egg you used was very small, try using a bigger egg or add a small amount from another egg next time that happens.

  27. Salaams,my family prefers cold jamuns,so is it ok if I make d gulab-jamuns n after sometime I keep them in fridge,hope they won’t become hard.Wanna try ur version of gulabjamuns.JazakALLAH

    1. W/Salaam, normally I store my leftovers in the fridge and they do not go hard. InshaAllah yours will be fine too. 🙂

  28. I made it today but after thn I put jamans in sheera they were just shrink in their sizes and dark in color else the taste is awesome and they r too soft as well kindly help me this whts wrong with this . Did I kept jamans in sheera too long tht at y this happens or else I follow all ur steps .

    1. No I don’t think being in the sheera long made them dark, although they do darken slightly once they absorb the syrup. Try frying them for slightly less time next attempt so they are not very dark after frying. 🙂

  29. Thanku for ur kind reply Fauzia but now I know what blunder I did with gulab jamans actually I used baking soda instead of baking powder thay might b the jamans shrink result now I will try with baking powder . Well Fauzia kindly tell us ras milai recipe as well I luv all ur recipes and trying each recipe daily 🙂

  30. Assalam alaikum.. I have tried ur recipie twice but i got holes on them whilst frying.. It was amazingly soft but became shapeless when i added them in sheera, they sucked large quantity of sheera, thats why became juicy..

  31. Aoa, Fauzia whenever I try any recipe from your website it turns out very well… I tried gulab jamuns yesterday and they turned out awesome!!! Really tasty and soft! Though I used self raising flour but still they were so good especially after refrigerating them. 🙂 My husband loved it… Thanks alot Fauzia.. May God Bless You!

  32. Mashallah. my gulab jamun turned out good. but there was one problem. that in each gulab janum thr were sum parts that were dry. dunno y? can u help me out.. whr i must hv gone wrong.

    1. Thanks for the feedback, could be that you didn’t mix/knead the dough well enough. Next time knead the dough a bit longer and see if that helps. 🙂

  33. Fauzia the gulab jamuns look lovely and i cant wait to try them. Would appreciate if you could tel me how many grams is 1 cup khoya?
    Also can we use homemade instant khoya (milk podwer + cream mixed and microwaved) for making these gulab juamuns….

    Awaiting your reply…

    1. Thanks dear. I believe one cup khoya would be about 125-150 gm but since I mostly use the milk powder, cannot be very sure of it. You can try with home made instant khoya, let me know how it works out! 🙂

  34. asak tried the gulab jamun recipe yesterday..the gulab jamuns weree very hard n dint soak the sugar syrup.. n my sugar syrup after coolin bcame hard so had to warm it up again but after sumtym it again turned hard …i folowed ur recipe acc to the instructions but dunno wat went wrong ,, i always have this prob wid the sugar syrup….

    1. W/Salaam, jamuns hardness most prolly could mean you have not followed the instructions closely during making or frying OR the baking powder or milk powder used was not a good quality. As for the sugar crystalising, it means you stirred it when it was boiling, you should never ever stir sugar syrup as it boils coz that will make it crystalise.

  35. Salams
    I tried this recipie but gulab jamuns were too soft on the outside inside was well cooked wer did i go wrong?

    1. W/Salaam, did you add anything extra in the ingredients? Or maybe you left them in the syrup for too long?

  36. i think i kept the temperature highly…. so the balls got black in colour… n was not cooked properly…. then again i broke in to 2 n then fried n low temp.. the taste came out marvoulously but the look was not nice to see… 🙁 …. ia ill try again n im sure it will come nice… 🙂

  37. How long gulab Jamuns have to be soaked in sheera and after the soaking time do we have to remove from the sheera if u want to keep them in fridge.

    1. You can keep them in the sheera for around 10-15 minutes. I normally store them in the sheera, but if you do not like them to get too soft then you can remove them from it and store them separately.

  38. A.a fauzia tx fo da receipe i tryd dis fo da 1st tym abt a few hrs ago da whole procesa ws great even frying dem dey came out superb n soooft bt after putting dem in da syrup i discovered dat in da middle of da gulab wa verry dry as in no syrup at ol,wea dd i went wrong?plz help wnt to gve dem anoda try

    1. W/Salaam, please read through the previous comments and my tips given at the top of the recipe.

  39. asalam
    thnx for all your wonderful recipe…just try the gulab jamun it cames out 100% good even without the souji which i didnt have…thnx for the tips also 🙂

  40. Salam,sis fauzia I tried ur Gulab jamuns today and they came out perfectly well n soft and every one liked it.All ur recipes that I’ve tried none has ever failed me. Am now acooking expert!becos of u. Am really grateful. Jazakallah khairan.

  41. Asalamualikum..i did gulab jamun..it came well. first day it was fine.but next day jamun became very hard.i didnt take it out of sugsr syrup.is it the reason to get hard?

  42. W/Salaam, hmm that shouldn’t be the reason. Did you use Nido milk powder? Try warming them for a bit and see if they soften back.

  43. cn i skip egg,? is there any
    cn i skip egg,? is there any problem if i will skip egg?plz reply?

  44. Salam Fauziya
    Salam Fauziya
    I want to try this recipe,but before that know one thing….is it possible to prepare this without semolina ?

  45. i made today bt it has so
    i made it ,bt it became harder from outside nd little harder from inside why? i made it wd low heat nd added into syrup like room temp

  46. nw i made wd amulya milk
    nw i made wd amulya milk powder,nd did not add egg,nw my gulab jamu is perfect 🙂 just use in 2 cup milkpowder wd only 2 tsp maida,nd 1 tsp baking powder,1 tsp soaked semolina,then it would be perfect 🙂

  47. A.Alkm sistr…mashallah ur
    A.Alkm sistr…mashallah ur recipes r perfect..i hv made gulab jamuns many times bt only ur recipe workd very well..i like the way u add optional things 2 do n not 2 do..
    thnk u 4 diz perfect recipe !!!!

  48. Salams sis.recently I joined
    Salams sis.recently I joined with you.And 2day i made this recipe .It was very good .And I hp to do all of your recipes as soon as possible. Jazakallah.

  49. tried this recipe and gulab
    tried this recipe and gulab jamans were too tasty. but unfortunately i missed the point no. 4. and dipped them in boiling sheera. which made them slightly hard. next time ill dip them in room temp sheera and then boil…
    but still they tasted good.

  50. The gulab jamuns were on the
    The gulab jamuns were on the spot especially the sheera You are genius Fauzia but I added 1/4 tsp of cardamom powder in dry ingredients and found them nice.

  51. i want to try them..but can i
    i want to try them..but can i skip the smolina?

  52. Salaams…Whenever I make the
    Salaams…Whenever I make the syrup for gulab jamun…it looks fine wen warm…but later on when cooled..it hardens up again..like sugary granules..pls sis..can you tell me in which consistancy should I take off the flame..is there a perticular consistancy in making this syrap?

    1. W/Salaam, do you stir the
      W/Salaam, do you stir the syrup as it is cooking? That always will cause it to harden and crystalise. Once the syrup begins to boil, stop stirring it. If you need to mix it just gently swirl the pan but do not insert a spoon and stir.

  53. Salamun Alaykum 🙂
    Salamun Alaykum 🙂
    Is there any alternative for semolina/sooji?
    Incase i want to make more can i just double or triple the recipe?
    Thankyou 🙂

    1. W/Salaam, as mentioned in
      W/Salaam, as mentioned in previous posts you can omit the sooji if you do not have it. And yes you can double or triple the recipe if you want. I would recommend you start with the original amount first and see how the results turn out for you before making a larger batch.

  54. Tried ur gulab jaaman, were
    Tried ur gulab jaaman, were so delicious, can u upload recipe of Rusmalai I love it. Thanks

  55. AoA.thanx Fauzia .I tried it
    AoA.thanx Fauzia .I tried it today n it cms out class in shape n txture…..nd taste was awsm.tanx again 4 such a nice recipe.Can u plz share sm microwave rcpz?

  56. Assalamualaikum Fauzia baji!
    Assalamualaikum Fauzia baji! I made the Gulab jamuns n turned really well. But if i need to store them in fridge do i keep them soaked them in the syrup or take them out? N if i want to coat them with Coconut what should i do??

    1. W/Salaam, store with the
      W/Salaam, store with the syrup. Sprinkle the coconut on them before serving.

  57. Aa I made de gulab jamun n de
    Aa I made de gulab jamun n de were fantastic bt de Shera ddnt come out well I don’t knw where i went wrng cn u plz tel me

  58. Dear Fauzia your recipe for
    Dear Fauzia your recipe for gulab Jamuns turned out perfect.Everybody really enjoyed them.


  59. how much milk powder fauzia?
    how much milk powder fauzia? 250 gm or 120 gm?
    (I am assuming the cup measurement for teh sugar would be same as the milk powder cup. Either 250 or 120 gm each).

    1. Hi! Milk powder is light in
      Hi! Milk powder is light in weight, 1 cup is equal to 120gm. Not 250. 🙂

  60. but the sugar should be of
    but the sugar should be of 250 gm per cup or 120 gm per cup?

  61. Assalamu alaikum dear sis..
    Assalamu alaikum dear sis…Mine didnt come well.. something collapsed.. The balls were perfect made n I fried it good.. they came like beautiful balls.. but once I dropped them into the cool sheera, they juz went so bad n hard..wat do u think went wrong sis? Then again I put in the sheera n kept on low hear for few mins.. Got somewhat loosened but also hard..I used rainbow milk pdr..

    1. W/Salaam. Was the syrup
      W/Salaam. Was the syrup boiling hot when you dropped them into it?

      1. No the syrup was completely
        No the syrup was completely cooled.. When I fried,the jamuns doubled it size and was nice but once i put them inside they got shrinked..Donno wads the problem ..later i touched they were juz like rubber balls.. My mom said because of the sooji.. I felt so sad..

        1. Strange, the sooji has never
          Strange, the sooji has never given me that issue. You can try again without the sooji and see if it gives better results for you. Otherwise check that the baking powder you are using is still good and make sure to knead the dough well before shaping and frying.

          1. Ok sis inshaAllah.. is the
            Ok sis inshaAllah.. is the egg very important to use.. coz I feel eggy smell in it..

          2. Yes it is as it gives the
            Yes it is as it gives the jamuns lightness. If it smelled eggy it could mean that you did not mix the dough well. Beat the egg slightly before adding it in and then make sure you knead the dough well. There will be no egg smell that way. Also make sure all ingredients are at room temp and very fresh. 🙂

  62. My gulab jamans were hard
    My gulab jamans were hard from outside and sticky (not spongy and fluffy) from inside. Eht could be the reason? I used nido fortified – full cream powder milk.
    I added few drops of cold milk while kneading…can that be the reason otherwise I followed all instructions. Is 1 teaspoon=5 ml and 1 tablespoon=15 ml? Can I use half recipe till I get perfect at making these?

    1. Did you use baking powder?
      Did you use baking powder? And was it good? Yes your measurements are accurate. And yes you can do half measurement. Also never use cold ingredients. Next time if milk is needed add room temperature milk, not cold.


    I tried the date cake per instruction. It turned out superbly moist and soft, with the right amount of sweetness. However, I over-burnt the first batch. The temperature was high which I made certain to reduce when next baking. Mine are in simple numerals and not celcius temperatures.

    Tonight, I'll be attempting gulaam jamuns per tip and trick you have stated. The recipe is different, though. I'll let you know of the results.

    Thanks again,
    Advance Eid wishes.

  64. Asak fauzia first Thanks a
    Asak fauzia first Thanks a million for the recipe my husband wanted to eat jamouns from a while but everytime I make they would turn hard n no one would eat it then tried the readymade one n they taste just like a fried flour n yesterday came across ur site so the jamun recipe had all the ingredients at home n madethem n by allahs grace they turned out so beautiful soft n juicy n tasty thank u

  65. A.a faouzia was jus askin if
    A.a faouzia was jus askin if u had a kaak (that arabic biscuit with habatsdoah) recipe to share with us jazaakallah khayr

  66. Salaams, just wondering if
    Salaams, just wondering if you have any experience with putting the jamuns in the oven instead of frying?

  67. Assalamu alaikum.. Tried
    Assalamu alaikum.. Tried making jamuns today.. Everything turned out well. Ur tips were extremely helpful in obtaining soft jamuns. Bt the problem is the syrup did not enter deep into the jamuns eventhough the center was soft and evenly cooked. What could be the reason for it? I even kept it on dum. Pls reply

  68. salam dear sister 🙂 i tried
    salam dear sister 🙂 i tried ur jamuns last week they were amazing but as u said addd food color or safron in sheera i added food color zafrani color to sheera just a pinch…..but when i put my fried balls in sheera aftr soaking up sheera their inner side color turned into black jamun was black from inside due to food color….every one was asking y it tuurns into black color and i was like i dont know may be due to food color 🙁

    1. W/Salaam, that is so strange,
      W/Salaam, that is so strange, never heard of a food colour turning the jamuns black! Try changing the food colour and use a different one or omit completely. Maybe you put too much? Am very surprised!

  69. yah next time surely i will
    yah next time surely i will try without using food color :)…thanks for reply

  70. salam fauzia wanted to ask
    salam fauzia wanted to ask can i serve gulab jamum without sheera or whenever i want to serve i can prepare sheera and put jamums in it.will they work allright or get hard

    1. W/Salaam, they need to soak
      W/Salaam, they need to soak up the syrup right after being fried otherwise they will get hard and then it would be difficult to get them to absorb the sheera later.

  71. I’m having a hard time
    I’m having a hard time finding Nido milk powder here in Canada ( Montreal ) can I use skim milk powder as a replacement?

  72. Hey Fozia i tried your recipe
    Hey Fozia i tried your recipe today but there is one problem gulab jamuns were hard and they didn’t soak sheere means they were dry from the inside but why?

    1. Did you read all the tips
      Did you read all the tips given on the recipe? Because the solution is most likely in one of those tips. 🙂

  73. Salam Fauzia. Just a qs about
    Salam Fauzia. Just a qs about the measurements. I referred to your measurement guide and it says 1 tsp is 5gm and 1 tblsp is 15gm. However, in one of the earlier questions that someone had asked you said 1 tsp can be 5 ml and 1 tblsp is 15 mL. Does it matter if the measuring spoon is in mL or gm for the dry ingredients like flour, suji, baking etc? Sorry I was a little confused so thought I’ll ask. Thank you in advance for your time

    1. W/Salaam, for most
      W/Salaam, for most ingredients it doesn’t matter, but there are some ingredients that are lighter or heavier than others. So this is normally a rough estimation for a tsp or tbsp. It is always more accurate to actually weigh the ingredient OR use spoonds/cups that are correct for either dry or liquid ingredients.

  74. oh i love it and my family
    oh i love it and my family simply want it more and more,thank u fozia .ur recipes rock.

  75. Assalamualaikum sister.am
    Assalamualaikum sister.am happy and delighted to see your recipies..I have tried most of your dishes and they have turned successful. Alhamdulillah.
    Today I tried these jamuns.everything was fine.but after getting soaked in sheera.,they have shrunken.. They don’t have their regular shape

    1. W/Salaam, sounds like you
      W/Salaam, sounds like you added them to sheera which was very hot.

  76. assalamu alaikum mrs.fauzia.I
    assalamu alaikum mrs.fauzia.I tried your gulab jamun recipe but the dough turned out to be hard……also i felt difficult to make perfect balls………. can yo please let me know my mistake in making the dough????????

  77. hello mrs.fauzia,,,can you
    hello mrs.fauzia,,,can you please upload the recipe of soan pappdi which is utterly delicious???????????????????? it will be more helpful for me.can you please do that???

    1. Hi, sorry at the moment I do
      Hi, sorry at the moment I do not have that recipe but will try and add it.

  78. I have tried the gulaab
    I have tried the gulaab jamuns,they were very yummy but they were too much soft from inside….sheera was at room temperature and i fried them on low heat till they came out golden and put them on dum for 3 to 5 minutes in sheera on very low heat….Could you please tell me what’s wrong with them?

    1. Could be one of the
      Could be one of the measurements was a little off, like for example maybe the egg was a bit too large etc

  79. Salam Fauzia! I have not
    Salam Fauzia! I have not tried your recipe yet but I have tried other recipes for gulab jamun and whenever I make them at home, the balls fall apart in the hot oil when I put them in. Any idea why they fall apart? My second question is that someone told me to use ready made pancake mix instead of flour for soft gulab jamun. Have you tried that?

    1. W/Salaam, it could be that
      W/Salaam, it could be that you are using more baking powder than is needed or your baking powder is very potent. Try reducing the amount slightly. Do you knead the jamun dough well enough? As for the pancake mix trick, sorry but I have personally never tried that.

  80. Salaamun alayki Sister Fauzia
    Salaamun alayki Sister Fauzia, i tried this today for the first time, it turnedout great, they were soft and yummy!!
    You have done a great job by sharing your wonderful recipes with us, may Allah bless you
    Fi amanillah!

  81. As salamu alaykum. Thank you
    As salamu alaykum. Thank you for the detailed recipe, turned good Alhamdulillah for first attempt. I would like to ask one 2 questions and give suggestions. Hope will get a reply.

    1) I made 16 gulab jamun from the dough as specified, which turned out not more than an inch in size, is it normal? Yours also size small?

    2) After every ingredient was collected into a dough, it ended up only a handful in size (almost around regular shop bought gulab jamun sized)from which I made 16 balls, is it normal? I measured every ingredient as per your measurements; for example, milk powder was exactly 120 grams and so on.


    1) I ended up using only 1-1/2 tbsp or even less of lightly beaten egg. Since it was my first time making gulab jamuns, originally I was going to pour all of the egg mixture into the mix, but luckily I have also read the comments section in this recipe, where you have instructed not to pour all at once. So I would like to suggest if you can specify in Main instruction, not to use all the egg mixture at once for the said reason? because not everyone get to read comments section.

    2) Please also mention 120 grams or 8tbsp along, where you mentioned Milk Powder in ingredients of the recipe.

    Thank you

    1. W/Salaam, thank you. The
      W/Salaam, thank you. The gulab jamuns usually turn out quite a bit bigger than an inch, so am a little surprised that yours were that small. Could be that the baking powder used was not very fresh/strong OR the quantity of egg was very little. Did you use Nido milk powder? Some absorbency of different milk powders can vary, maybe that is the reason why yours needed so little of the egg mixture. But as long as they turned out well for you, you can make less than 16 of them so as to have them a slightly bigger size. 🙂

  82. Thank you for the great
    Thank you for the great recipe Fauzia :)! I tried them yest and they came out well alhamdulillah. But while frying they didn’t expand much. You mentioned they should double in size but that didn’t happen with mine. So I followed your tip and boiled them on low heat and that’s when they expanded. What could be the reason for this ? I followed the recipe exactly and my baking was also fresh.

    1. Most welcome, thanks for the
      Most welcome, thanks for the lovely feedback. Not sure why they did not expand during frying, could be the size of the egg used or the temperature of the oil. But am glad they turned out ok in the end.

  83. Sorry just wanted to confirm
    Sorry just wanted to confirm so I don’t do the same mistake next time . By size of the egg, did you mean that the egg I used was too big or too small ?

    1. I am not sure if this is the
      I am not sure if this is the problem, it is just a guess as to what might have happened.Try and use a bigger egg and make sure it is at room temperature. Also be sure to use Nido full cream milk powder.

  84. Ty Fauzia :)! Will try a
    Ty Fauzia :)! Will try a bigger egg next time. My nido was full cream only so I’m guessing it was the egg only.

  85. Hi Fauzia sis! Tried this
    Hi Fauzia sis! Tried this recipe and must tell u for the first time it came out perfect. Ur instructions r so easy to follow. My family enjoyd the gulab jamuns and i was so happy it came out well. If i boil the jamuns in syrup fr longer time wil it get harder?

    1. Hi, no they should not harden
      Hi, no they should not harden especially if you maintain a very low heat. Thanks for the awesome feedback! 🙂

  86. ASSALAM O ALAIKUM ….i have
    ASSALAM O ALAIKUM ….i have tried ur recipe twice frst time it was great bt second time there was a problem that its core was not soaked in syrup well and it had a dry core inside…will u please explain what is the problem?

    1. W/Salaam, thank you! Did you
      W/Salaam, thank you! Did you make any changes from the first time to the next attempt? A change in the milk powder, or baking powder?

  87. Aoa i did everythng accordng
    Aoa i did everythng accordng to the recipe except extra egg used about 1 n half by mistake but i compensated for it by addng more nido..dey were v sticky so used oil to shape balls
    N dey came out a bit hard..could u tell me where i went wrong

    1. What went wrong is all the
      What went wrong is all the measurements were off. By adding egg then Nido, what about the flour and the baking powder? Definitely the result would not be accurate because the ratio of measurements for the ingredients is very specific. Do try once again, inshaAllah they will be better.

  88. assalamo alikum, I tried
    assalamo alikum, I tried gulab jamun, all went good but when i ate them , nido milk taste was there which was a turn off..did not I soak them in sheera for good time or is there any technical issue with it? Please guide..Thanks

    1. W/Salaam, not sure about the
      W/Salaam, not sure about the nido milk taste, was the milk powder fresh? It should not have a strong taste the way you described it. Was it full fat Nido? Am not sure why yours tasted that way but am glad they turned out well. Maybe add some essence or something to the dough mixture to change the taste.

    1. Hi, you will not be able to
      Hi, you will not be able to form balls out of liquid milk. You need the powder for this one.

  89. HI can I make these 2days
    HI can I make these 2days before party? Will these stay good in fridge? Thanks a lot

  90. Salam Fauzia. Can I use
    Salam Fauzia. Can I use everyday instead of nido? My husband always say everyday is the whitener not the milk. So please tell me what should I do?

    1. W/Salaam, not sure what
      W/Salaam, not sure what everyday is but I always have best results when I use Nido, for me nothing else turns out quite as well.

  91. slms fauzia.there used to be
    slms fauzia.there used to be a recipe of rasgoulla,a bit same as your gulab jamuns.needed it badly for eid.can you please post it.plzzz

  92. Hi..I love all your recipes!
    Hi..I love all your recipes! I particularly want to try this one out, but is it okay is you don’t use the saffron? And can you do a ladoo recipe without saffron please? Thank you x

  93. Fauzia I want to use this
    Fauzia I want to use this recipe using mawa instead of full cream milk powder…can u please tell me in grams how much mawa to use? Also do I need to add any certain amount of milk powder if I use de mawa? Method will be same when using mawa?

    1. Hi, sorry at the moment I do
      Hi, sorry at the moment I do not have the weight measurement of the mawa, will get back to you on this once I make the recipe again using mawa (I will weigh it inshaAllah next time). Otherwise no need to add any milk powder when using mawa.

  94. By when can you let me know?
    By when can you let me know? as I was planning to make tomorrow (Saturday) or if any other way of telling me how much mawa to use like in cup wise

    1. Sorry, just saw your message.
      Sorry, just saw your message. I would estimate about 1 cup per mawa.

  95. assalamualaikum
    can i know whether i could skip the semolina part..im not a fan of it…

  96. Aslm dr…One Cup Milk Powder
    Aslm dr…One Cup Milk Powder how much grams and also one up water how much ml?thanks

  97. Fr hw mny days can we kp this
    Fr hw mny days can we kp this withut refrigerating but soakng in syrup??

    1. About 2-3 days depending on
      About 2-3 days depending on storage. If you use a good clean and dry container with NO moisture and are careful about using a dry spoon whenever you scoop it will be fine.

  98. I tried ur gulab jamun recipe
    I tried ur gulab jamun recipe..It came out well.it ws fabulus nd devine..my family nd everyne who tasted it gve me good commnts..thanks alot sister fauzia.May Allah blessyou 🙂

  99. I want to use this recipe using mawa…can u please guide me the quantity of mawa in grams or any other measurement wise because mawa block could come in any size in different countries….and would i use the remaining ingredients in same quantity? And what about the milk powder if I use the mawa?

    1. Waiting for your reply…..

      I want to use this recipe using mawa…can u please guide me the quantity of mawa in grams or any other measurement wise because mawa block could come in any size in different countries….and would i use the remaining ingredients in same quantity? And what about the milk powder if I use the mawa?

  100. Salaams.
    This was my iftar dessert yesterday along with your jeera chicken recipe.

    Everything turned out fantastic. I love how you give tips in the recipes they are really helpful especially when it’s the first time I was making the gulab jamuns. Thank you so much

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