Fauzia's Kitchen Fun

Pizza – Baked Without an Oven


Pizza - Baked Without an Oven

For those who do not have access to an oven, here is a simple method for baking on the stove-top.


  • Step 1: First, I prepared my pizza dough, then added the toppings. You can check for pizza recipes HERE. I used a cake pan, but you can use just about any pan that you want, as long as it will fit into your big pot.
  • Step 2: I then prepared my big pot by putting a stand inside it and covering it up. Then proceeded to pre heat if for some time, just to get it nice and hot in there to simulate an oven.
  • Step 3: Once the pot was sufficiently heated, I placed the pizza pan on the rack and covered the pot again. Kept heat on medium-high and let it cook away.
  • Being a curious person by nature and since this was my first time attempting such a feat, I had to keep opening the pot to see how my pizza was faring. This probably lengthened the cooking time because every time you open the pot, you lose some of the heat in there. But well, at least I got to see the progress of my pizza!
  • And finally VOILA!!! Look how beautifully perfect the pizza turned out. You can see the base is nice and toasty, and just from the way I have lifted the pizza to show you the golden base, you can notice how soft it was! It was literally folding over! The top was beautifully done too, maybe not as golden as when you pop this under a grill, but considering the method it was made with, I think it was not half bad!!
  • If you want, you can then cut up the pizza and pop the slices under a grill or toaster for a few minutes, but I just had the yummy pizza as it was, and it was FANTASTIC!

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  1. Lifesaver, Fauzia my sister. I have come to dread baking because of my moody gas oven but this is doable. Shukran jazakillah khayr.

  2. wow. U have an amazing passion for cooking. Thank you for sharing the oven top baking. I will appreciate some more recepies on it as well. such as pies etc. 🙂

  3. where is the pizza topping recipe as im so new to cooking :p i need to see every single thing.. n so happy to see this as i dnt have oven yet :))) thanx a lot 🙂

  4. Assalam Alaikum Fauzia.
    I’ve always read that empty pots and pans shouldnt be left on the stoves for too long, otherwise the pot will spoil and get warped. Won’t this happen here as well with your method?

  5. Hi sis…am very much xited to try every recipes of ua’s….esply the baked ones !!
    Am totally a fresher to the baking field…n really wannna try it out….But the problem is the oven in my cooking range doesnt have any degree,,,hw com i knw whether its 180…etc etc ???????? 🙁

    1. Hi, try getting an oven thermometer. It will help you read the temperature in your oven.

      1. thank u………and i must say ,one of the best thing abt ua site is this….instant reply to our queries 🙂

  6. thank you so much for the receipie, i was a die hard baker, but unfortunatly had to stop due ot some problems with my oven. now i can try this out:D

  7. Can we do same procedure with other baking items ? like rose rolls and chicken bread ? will they get brown in it? how much time required for other baking items? i have gas oven but everything get harder in that oven 🙁

  8. Hi,that’s a fantastic idea of baking on gas and the pizza rose is just awsome.luv all your recipes thank for sharing your ideas.

  9. thank you thank you, thank you so much….always wanted to bake, but no oven…tried both the pizza and the cake…both turned out well..didn’t have tight lid, so kept dosa tawa on top of lid…..worked beautifully…also tried it on induction cooker, but th heat did not reach the tawa so had to transfer back to stove….

  10. Asak

    doesn’t the pot require water in it???
    Won’t the pot get burned if you put on the stove for 20 nib
    20 min??

  11. salam! can everything (like chicken bread baked nuggets mac & cheese etc.) be baked like this or this is only specified for pizza and cake

  12. aoa. plz plz plz tell me full recipe of fajita pizza, i m goin to make pizza first time, plz help me, and tell me yhe recipe step by step. i will be very thankful to u

  13. plz let me know can i use a
    plz let me know can i use a pressure cooker to make it on the stove?

    1. Use the same method, but when
      Use the same method, but when you close the pressure cooker, do not put the whistle/valve thingy on.

  14. assalam o alaikum….. Where
    assalam o alaikum….. Where is the recipe of pizza? Here i just can see the steps for baking…. But cudnt found any ingredients or recipe to make it…

    1. W/Salaam, this is the stove
      W/Salaam, this is the stove-top method of baking. For pizza recipes check the pizza folder please.

  15. My mom @shaista arif made it!
    My mom @shaista arif made it! 😉 I am in the UK, I miss my country a lot and above all my mom’s delicious foods! 🙂

  16. Hi dea..i wanna knw one thng.
    Hi dea..i wanna knw one thng..Any prob making pizza pouring water in pot??

  17. Thank u so much Fauzia for
    Thank u so much Fauzia for this good trick….im a newbie to the kitchen and i will definitely try this!

  18. Regarding this method of
    Regarding this method of baking.. Can I bake buns and other stuff as well?

  19. Can i use prestige non stick
    Can i use prestige non stick pot with glass lid for this. And is placing a grill inside necessary or i can use a tin can instead or any steel bowl?

    1. I would be concerned about
      I would be concerned about the non stick getting damaged using this method of cooking, best to use steel or aluminium as they can withstand heat better. And yes you can use a tin can or any bowl instead of the grill.

  20. Assalamu alaikum fawzia sis!!
    Assalamu alaikum fawzia sis!!!
    I want to know something ,that is since the foil papers are very expensive. Is there any other alternatives for that ??

  21. Assalamualeikum. I have tried several of your recipes and Alhamdulillah all went well….
    Just had a query abt this one… What can I use instead of a stand? Since I don’t have one….

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