Fauzia's Kitchen Fun

Vermicelli Truffles & Squares


Vermicelli Truffles & Squares

A quick and excellent dessert, this is one sweet that will be wiped clean in no time.


  • 1/4 cup butter 56gm
  • 1 packet crushed thin brown vermicelli/seviyan 200gm
  • small pinch of salt
  • 1/4 cup crushed almonds
  • 1/4 cup crushed pistachios
  • 1/4 cup desiccated coconut optional
  • 1/2-1/4 of a tin of sweetened condensed milk 14oz. or 397g sized tin
  • some flaked almonds and pistachios for garnishing
  • 1/2 tsp. cardamom powder and/or a pinch of saffron threads optional


  • Heat the butter in a non-stick saucepan until melted. Keep the heat on LOW and add the crushed vermicelli. Stir fry continuously on low heat until the vermicelli changes to a golden brown colour. This takes about 5-7 minutes.
    Add the salt, cardamom, saffron, crushed nuts and dessicated coconut and stir for a few seconds then add the condensed milk, starting with half the tin then gradually adding as needed. The ingredients should be well combined and should come together easily.
    Stop adding the condensed milk if you feel the mixture can be easily handled. If you end up adding too much condensed milk, just sprinkle in some extra nuts or coconut to absorb the excess. If too dry, add more condensed milk.
    For squares, lightly butter a square pan and press the mixture with a flat spoon, patting it down flat. Sprinkle some extra almonds and pistachios to garnish and press them so they stick. Let this set either at room temperature or in the fridge for half an hour. Cut the squares and serve.
    For truffles, grease your hands slightly and pinch small amounts from the mixture (make sure you let it cool a little bit before doing this so as not to burn your hands but the mixture should still be warm). Shape balls and garnish with almond/pistachio flakes. Allow to cool completely and serve!
    Enjoy! 🙂


Make sure you crush the vermicelli properly into very tiny bits, this makes it easier to roast them evenly in the butter.

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  1. i love your recipes, i tried many of them and was successful, i need recipe for NAAN KHATAI (the proper one) that we eat from market. i live in london and these type of asian food is expensive plus homemade is better for kids as well. thanx

  2. please let me know ifafter frying vermicelli, saucepan has to be removed from fire before other ingredients are added.

  3. No need, just leave the pan on the heat (keep the heat on low), and add the ingredients whilst stirring until everything is combined. Then turn off the heat and remove the pan from it. 🙂

  4. Just made this at 11PM after my 4 year old daughter insisted on making “something sweet” in the kitchen before she went to sleep. So I thought why not try ur quick vermicelli dessert. It was super easy to make n tastes absolutely yummy! My daughter loved it too and couldn’t wait until it set in the fridge!! I lOve the crunchiness of it! Thanks for ur amazing recipes! <3

  5. surely will try this as actually i reside in a place where basically nothing chat pata is sold.

  6. Asalaam alaikum. Thank you so much for the amazing recipes.. Could i use pure ghee instead of butter here? Jazakallah..

    1. W/Salaam, yes you can although in my opinion butter tastes lots better in this recipe.

  7. Salam,dear Fauzia can we store these truffles for 2/3 days in fridge or roon tempreture,plz reply soon, thanks…

  8. Asaalam aleykum fauzia, in shaa Allah saum maqbul
    can u use simsim seeds as a garnish for the vermicelli truffles?

  9. Assalamalikum Fauzia,
    Hope you are in good health and imaan.I want to know how many truffles this recipe makes?dessicated coconut should be fresh or dry?

    1. W/Salaam, hard to say how many, depends on the size you shape them really. Desiccated coconut is always DRY not fresh.

  10. assalam u alaikum fauzias,
    this was a wonderful dessert.everyone liked it at my home.i want to know that how can i make it a little bit softer without loosing its crunchiness.the sweetness was perfect, means cant add more condensed milk.

  11. I tried dis recipe nd was Mashallah turns out really tasty jazakallah sister for ur web site it is a really good work fr most of d womns thanks Again

  12. salam,
    jst wntd 2 ask if these truffled can be made from roasted vermicelli nd a brief guide on hw to go abt it?

  13. Just tried making it and it tastes yummy but I had a quick question., are the vermicelli supposed to be crispy or soft at the end? Mine are very crispy

  14. Assalamoualaikoum,
    I would like to try this recipe for eid and would like to know approxmiately how many of the square bites do you get and also the size of the pan which you use.

    1. W/Salaam, frankly have never
      W/Salaam, frankly have never thought to count them. You can use a 9×9 square pan, or any slightly bigger or smaller pan. 🙂

  15. asalam o alaikum sis today i
    asalam o alaikum sis today i make this recipe, result was fantastic thank you so much. share more recipes quick to make thanks

    1. You could try yes, although
      You could try yes, although normally fresh coconut is wet so it might make the mixture a bit wetter than normal. Adjust by reducing some of the sweet milk if necessary.

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