Fauzia's Kitchen Fun

Chocolate Chip Cookies


Chocolate Chip Cookies

You can’t go wrong with chocolate chip cookies, they are a favourite to all and any time is the perfect time for a choc-chip cookie and a cup of tea/coffee or a glass of milk. These perfect beauties are chewy and chocolatey, yet crispy too!! I added crushed hazelnuts to my cookie batter for extra crunch and flavour.
Servings 3 Dozen


  • 1 1/2 cup all-purpose flour 180gm
  • 1/3 cup white sugar 75gm
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar 100gm
  • 1/2 cup butter 123gm
  • 2 tsp. vanilla essence
  • 1 egg slightly beaten
  • 1/2 tsp. baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 1 to 1 1/2 cups chocolate chips
  • 1/2 cup crushed nuts I used toasted hazelnuts


  • Preheat oven to 180C and line your cookie baking sheets with baking paper. In a bowl, sift the flour with salt and baking soda to combine.
    Cream sugar with butter, add the egg and vanilla and beat for a few minutes.
    Add the flour/salt/baking soda and stir them into the creamed mixture.
    Stir in the nuts and chocolate chips until well combined.
  • Make small balls or use a small scoop or spoon to shape them, press them slightly on the cookie sheet, not too much, they will spread slightly as they bake. Leave enough space around the cookies to allow for spreading.
  • Bake for about 13-15 minutes or until golden. Let them sit on the tray for about 5 minutes before transferring to a rack to cool completely.
    Once completely cool, store in an airtight container.
    Enjoy!! 🙂


  1. Cover the cookie dough and refrigerate for about half an hour for best results
  2. Refrigerating the cookies on the tray before baking will help prevent them from spreading too much during baking.

Join the Conversation

  1. aa i’ve 2 qs, any substitute for brown sugar coz I dont have it 🙁 and also can I add baking powder instead of baking soda? coz I dont have it either 🙁

    1. You can use regular white sugar instead of brown but you need the baking soda (bicarbonate of soda) as it is different from baking powder.

  2. Fauzia love for recipes and cooking , have tried so many of them, was looking around for cookie recipe’s and found this it made me so happy.
    I love your website also thank God now i don’t have to browse through Facebook pages,But i also have a suggestion with recipes can you also add pictures of the step by step process it will make much more easy. Like baking cake u add a pic of how much beat the eggs and there final shape look like this. Or like u said in this leave space btw cookies u can add the picture making it easy for us to understand how much space.

    1. Thank you! At the moment we have step by step images for the more complicated recipes, but inshaAllah will try and implement that in the future for more recipes.

        1. When sugar and butter are mixed together, the process is known as ‘creaming’. So cream the sugar with butter means beat them or whisk them until they resemble cream and become light and fluffy.

  3. Salams… Wanted to try the recipe but i was wondaring
    The brown sugar would that be light muscavado sugar or light
    Brown soft sugar??
    An also when you say 1 an half cup choc chips how many grams is that??

    1. W/Salaam. Actually light brown soft sugar is a type of muscovado sugar, so either of the two will do, as long as you use the light version, not the dark. 1 cup of chocolate chips is about 180gm so 1 and a half will make 270gm of choc chips.

  4. Hi fauzia…. I want to thank for the best cookies I ever made, the recipe was great… I want to say that I use baking powder instead of baking soda .. And turned great.. Thank u

  5. as.kum ishaallah you are doing gud with ramadhan fast thanks alot for the resipies.their very nice mashallah.now iwas going to make this chocolate chip cookies but idont have chocolata chip so can i put cadbury choclate instade of that one pls let me know,shukran.

    1. W/Salaam, yes you can. Chop the chocolate into tiny pieces, refrigerate them if needed so they stay firm then use in the recipe as required.

  6. Its my first time to try baking cookies without a ready made mix from the store.And mine turned out just perfect. Perfect with a capital P.
    Loved it n my whole family enjoyed it.
    Thank you so much for this recipe.
    Now i hav nothing to fear,cz if all fails I will still b able to survive making Chocolate Chip Cookies that I learnt from FAUZIAS KITCHEN FUN …xxxxxx

  7. Thanks fauzia, nice recipe. Tried it, but could see some sugar granules on top of my cookies the taste was out of this world, dont know if it was normal to see the sugar granules? or i did not cream properly?

    1. Most likely it needed to be creamed a bit more, or the sugar granules were too big to begin with. Next time you can grind the sugar slightly and then use, it will help.

  8. Sa fauzia..I just had a query abt chocolate chip cookies..can I use just normal white sugar insted of brown?will it make a difference in taste?let me asap..thanks

    1. W/Salaam, the brown sugar gives a darker coloured cookie and makes them a little bit chewier for those who prefer chewy cookies. You can substitute with white sugar though.

      1. Thanks for the reply..is there any way I can make the brown sugar at Hom insted of buying it frm store as the quantity in the recipe is only 100gms

          1. thanks for the reply..sorri can i skip the nuts in the recipe?will it make a difference in the end results n taste?

          2. Yes you can skip the nuts, it
            Yes you can skip the nuts, it is just for added texture and flavour for those who like nuts in the cookies.

  9. Sa fauzia..I made these cookies n thy turned out delicious..I added more chocolate chips insted of nuts and also decorated it wit writin icin..thanks for sharing an easy n quick recipe..

  10. hi fauzia. i tried these cookies but was disappointed. i felt that there was less butter in them. the recipe was not amazing but very average. i didnt alter any thing but im not sure why that happened. 🙂 doesnt matter!

    1. Hi Roma, I am very surprised as this is the first negative feedback on this particular recipe, everyone who’s tried them (both here and on my FB page) have had outstanding results. Did you measure/weigh out everything accurately? It could be the brand of butter you used was not good? Or something with the baking? Did you bake them longer than the recommended time? Was the oven preheated before baking? The amount of butter is pretty much the average amount for cookies. :S

  11. I made the chocolate cookie biscuit bt it was not crispy and the dough was sticky can pls tell me the reason

  12. Salaam Fauzia, fantastic page. was wondering is it ok to use caster sugar instead of grinding the regular sugar? JazakAllah. Kez.

  13. Salam fauzia

    My family does not like to eat butter so can i substitute it with ghee or oil plz let me know…. and thanks i am a big fan of your recipes have tried 40 of them never posted pics but this time inshaAllah i will …

    1. W/Salaam, thank you. I have never tried this recipe with oil, I would not recommend it. You can try if you like though.

  14. Salams.Your recipes are well done.Masha Allah…Can we add cocoa powder to flour to get chocolate taste?

  15. W/Salaam, thank you. Yes you can, substitute a bit of the flour with cocoa powder, about 2 tbsp.

  16. Asak…Why does the recipe call to `Stir` in the nuts and chocolate chips.The mixture was just barely wet.With what do you stir ? I got a barely wet mixture by simply stirring with a spatula.did not understand how a dough can be made without actually combining them with hands.

    1. W/Salaam, the mixture is not supposed to be wet but it should be soft enough that you should be able to mix/stir with a spatula or spoon. It should not by any means be of a dough texture!

      1. Jazak Allah Hayr for yore response…despite my confusion the cookie turned out really great….I just reduced the chocolate chips a little. Equal amount of flour and chocolate chips was a whole lot of chips for me 🙂

  17. Hi Fauzia, is there any subtitute for vanilla essence…i couldnt find Halal Vanilla essence here in Canada, they only have vanilla extract which has alcohol in it, please help and another question is do we havt to mix with electric beater after adding in the dry ingredients?

    1. Hi, try checking if you can order it online or use vanilla powder or scrape some fresh vanilla pods. And no, do not use a beater once the dry ingredients are added, simply mix with a spatula.

  18. A.alykm..this is my first time checking out yo recipies got from my beloved sis am gonna try the chocolate cookies..al keep u updated swthrt..Shukraan Hbbty

  19. Salaams fauzia, JazakAllahu khair for the recipe. I made these cookies today but without vanilla essence and they turned out very good alhumdulillah. Hopefully I shall find halal vanilla essence soon inshaAllah.

  20. hi fauzia can I use the aluminum foil to line my baking pan because I don’t have the baking paper?

  21. Id like to immensly Thank you for posting such detailed and scrumptious delicacies, which beyond a shadow of doubt have always rendered Succesful. In fact I used to hate cooking until my mum mentioned about your website. I Couldnt help myself from sneaking a peak into new recpies almost everyday. You’ve made my cooking challanges so much more easier!
    Thank you so much:)
    May the Almighty forever bless you

  22. Hi fauzia . I have dark brown
    Hi fauzia . I have dark brown sugar at home . Will that work ? If not then y ?

    1. If it is very dark, use less
      If it is very dark, use less of the brown sugar and more of the white to substitute.

  23. Salaam fauzia . Can I use
    Salaam fauzia . Can I use 100gms castor sugar and 25 gms dark brown sugar ?

  24. Ohh im sorry , that was a
    Ohh im sorry , that was a mistake . I ment 150gms castor sugar and 25gms dark brown sugar , coz that’s what I have at home (dark brown sugar)

  25. Hey Fauzia,
    Hey Fauzia,
    Do you know where I can get hazelnuts in Mombasa? I also wanted to make your Peanutella recipe using hazelnuts instead of peanuts, so can you please tell me where I can get hazelnuts in Mombasa?

    1. Hi! There is a shop known as
      Hi! There is a shop known as Healthy U in City Mall, Nyali that sells all assorted imported nuts and other stuff. 🙂

  26. aoa…I made these cookies
    aoa…I made these cookies today…they were very delicious…thanksss a lot…the only thing I was wondering is that they were not chewy….as they cooled down they became crisp n crunchy….I like the chewy one more, how can I get that form?I baked them for 15 min.

    1. Thanks! For chewier cookies,
      Thanks! For chewier cookies, bake them at a lower heat for slightly less time.

  27. Assalam-o-alikum Fauzia , Is
    Assalam-o-alikum Fauzia , Is there any substitute for butter as my daughter has milk allergy ?

  28. Salaam fauzia . Made these
    Salaam fauzia . Made these cookies yesterday … they were delicious but they spread a lot during baking and became very thin . Where do you think i went wrong ?

    1. W/Salaam, thanks! Did you
      W/Salaam, thanks! Did you refrigerate the dough before shaping and baking the cookies?

    1. Hmm ok did you measure the
      Hmm ok did you measure the baking soda accurately? Next time try refrigerating again after shaping the cookies before baking, then straight from the fridge pop the tray into the hot oven.

  29. assalamoalaikum …i wantd to
    assalamoalaikum …i wantd to knw if it is must to bake dese in cookies sheet..or v can jz buttr our plate n bake it..?? n can v omit brown sugar n use plain white sugar instead..??

    1. W/Salaam, am not sure what
      W/Salaam, am not sure what you mean by plate, which plate do you plan on using? And yes you can use white sugar in place of brown.

  30. Hi. I tried this reciepe
    Hi. I tried this reciepe twice……cookies do taste good but dont look like ones u have shown in picture……i just noticed that u mentioned 1 and 1/2 cup flour that should be 330 g but instead u have mentioned 180 gms in front of it……is it by mistake or i m doing the math wrong?

    1. Hi, you are doing the math
      Hi, you are doing the math wrong. A cup of flour is 120 gm, so the measurement I have given is completely accurate.

    1. No actually. What we weigh is
      No actually. What we weigh is the INGREDIENT inside the cup. Different ingredients weigh differently. Some heavy some light. You cannot just assume that a cup of stones and a cup of air will weigh the same. Similarly a cup of sugar will be heavier than a cup of flour. It all depends on the specific ingredient. Please research this online.

  31. salaams…i want to know…if
    salaams…i want to know…if i should cream butter and sugar…until the sugar melts and form a creamy texture?in that case can i grind both sugar and add?
    and if i want to make double choco chip….can i replace a one-two tablespoon of flour with cocoa powder as per taste?

    1. W/Salaam, the sugar used in
      W/Salaam, the sugar used in this case is icing sugar. Which is already a powdered sugar with some additives in it. Not regular sugar that is just grinded. And yes you you can replace a couple tbsp of flour with cocoa for double choc-chip.

  32. Hi Fauzia..
    Hi Fauzia..
    I am planning to make it tomorrow.. how long can i store in room temperature?? Will it stay long if i store in refrigerator? waiting for ur immediate replay.. thanks in advance

    1. Hi, they keep well in an
      Hi, they keep well in an airtight container for up to 2 weeks.

  33. Hi Fauzia, although the
    Hi Fauzia, although the cookies were very tasty but they turned out a bit chewy. Can you tell what could be my mistake ?

    1. Hi, did you underbake them?
      Hi, did you underbake them? Or maybe the mixture was overmixed after adding the flour?

  34. Hello,it isi the first time I
    Hello,it isi the first time I am going to try cookies and this recipe of yours seems quite easy! I only wanted to know whether I can use margarine instead of butter? Thank you and keep up the great work!

    1. Hello! Yes you can use
      Hello! Yes you can use margarine although butter does tend to give better flavour. 🙂

  35. Hi Fauzia hope you are ok!
    Hi Fauzia hope you are ok!
    Not an experienced baker and when I made the cookies the mixture was really sticky! The result was nice though, but I wondered if there was a way to make them less sticky so the shape of the cookies could be more homogenous?
    Also, I have a gas oven and when I put them on the tray on the middle shelf, they were darker at the bottom and not so dark at the top, any tips on how to prevent this?

    1. Hi! Sometimes refrigerating
      Hi! Sometimes refrigerating the cookie dough (wrapped well in cling film) for a short while (an hour or so) helps ‘solidify’ the butter content thereby making the dough easier to work with. You could try doing that. 🙂 As for the baking in a gas oven, I personally have only ever worked with electric ovens so am not really sure how the heating works for gas ones. Is there more heat from the bottom than the top?

  36. No I didn’t underbake them
    No I didn’t underbake them nor it was over mixed. Or if that may be the problem I’ll make them again and will inform you how it came out this time

  37. Salaam Fauzia, it just great
    Salaam Fauzia, it just great to try all ur dishes… i tried ur chicken bread and it just turned out so yummy… u hv got ur fulltym follower…i m gonna try this choc chip cookies… can i use whole wheat flour?as i am a bit calorie conscious?… but just cant hold back when it cums to desserts…. pls reply…

    1. W/Salaam, thanks for the
      W/Salaam, thanks for the lovely feedback. I’ve actually never tried with whole wheat flour, maybe mix whole wheat flour with plain all purpose flour so the consistency is not too dense.

  38. AssalamoAlaikum, am i
    AssalamoAlaikum, am i supposed to use granulated white sugar in this recipe or caster sugar?

  39. Aoa. they turned out really
    Aoa. they turned out really osum as usual 😀 everyone loved them.. perfect texture and taste Ma shaa Allah.
    just a little ques though. whenever Baking soda is used in recipes. i don’t like the smell of it. is it just me? because no one else seems to notice it, but its there.

    1. Thanks for the great feedback
      Thanks for the great feedback! About the baking soda, if you can smell it or taste it then you need to replace your baking soda with a new pack or try a different brand, it should not leave any smell or taste unless used in large amounts in a recipe. 🙂

  40. Whenever I make cookies they
    Whenever I make cookies they get a bit hard with time, they get back to normal (soft) when kept in microwave for 20 secs. But why are my cookies getting hard when i keep them out? what am i doing wrong? 🙁 .. I served them in a plate but i covered it with cling thinking that maybe it will keep them from getting hard but didnt work..

  41. اسلام عليكم ورحمة الله
    اسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
    Sister fauzia……..is the brown sugar same as raw sugar??

      1. So I can’t use it right??….
        So I can’t use it right??………..is there any other substitute for brown sugar?
        Jazakillah Khair

        1. You could use regular sugar
          You could use regular sugar if you do not have brown sugar. Otherwise brown sugar should be easily available at most major supermarkets. 🙂

          1. Ohk,Jazakillah Khair….btw I
            Ohk,Jazakillah Khair….btw I got it ….the thing is I have a whole packet of raw sugar ,so I wanted to put it for use 🙂

  42. Hi, can i make the cookie mix
    Hi, can i make the cookie mix a day earlier and refrigerate it. Will it be alright, or do i have to bake cookies right after 1 hr of refrigeration? Thanks

    1. Hi, yes you can cover and
      Hi, yes you can cover and refrigerate, then shape and bake the next day.

  43. Assalam
    I want to try this biscuit for Eid . Am having chocolate chip and I have kept it in freezer. So how should I make . I mean removing from the freezer an hour or 2 agoor just using it directly from the freezer.
    And may I know the FB account link

  44. Can I use a greesed tray if
    Can I use a greesed tray if I don’t have cookie sheet

  45. Mashaallah your recipes rrrrr
    Mashaallah your recipes rrrrr blah!!! Cant go wrong n sooooo simple plus a very gr8 turnout!! Be blessed always:)

  46. can i freeze the dough? So shape them and freeze and when time to bake i can take out?

  47. Omg! These were divine, alhamdulillah.
    I was on the lookout for the perfect recipe, and this finally did it!!

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