Fauzia's Kitchen Fun

Baby Chicken Bread


Baby Chicken Bread

Just for a twist, you could try making the chicken bread in baby sizes like this…of course, you can use whichever filling you like but I made them with the famous saucy chicken filling. 🙂
Servings 16 Baby Breads


Ingredients for Dough

  • 4 cups flour
  • 1 tbsp. instant yeast
  • 2 tbsp. powdered milk
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 4 tbsp. oil
  • 1 egg plus1 for glazing
  • 1 tsp. castor sugar

Ingredients for Chicken Filling

  • 1 1/2 to 2 cups chicken boiled and shredded 250-300 gm when uncooked
  • 2 small onions finely chopped or 1 large
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 1 tsp. black pepper
  • 2 tbsp. coriander leaves
  • 4 green chillies chopped
  • 1 tsp. garam masala powder
  • 2 tbsp. flour
  • 2 tbsp. butter
  • 1 cup milk
  • sesame seeds as required


For the Dough:

  • In a bowl mix together 4 cups flour, 1 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. castor sugar, 2 tbsp. milk powder, 1 tbsp. yeast, 1/4 tsp baking powder, 4 tbsp. oil and 1 egg, knead to a medium soft dough with slightly warm water, leave to rise for 1 hour.

For the Chicken Filling:

  • Heat 2 tbsp. butter fry onion till soft then add 2 tbsp. flour with 1 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. black pepper, 1 tsp. garam masala….add the milk, cook till thick, mix in the shredded chicken add chopped green chillies and coriander leaves, remove and cool completely.
    The filling will look like THIS.
    Now divide the dough into 12 to 16 parts depending on how small you want the baby chicken bread to be. Roll each piece of dough to a rectangular shape, snip the sides with scissors or a knife, put filling in the center and fold each side so they overlap each other (like a braid) the filling will show slightly but that’s ok, brush top with beaten egg, sprinkle sesame seeds and bake on 200 degree C for 25 minutes or so. Same method as used in THIS recipe for larger sized chicken bread.
    Right after taking out of the oven apply butter well on whole bread and let it rest covered with a cloth for 2-3 min to soften the bread completely.


I always make big batches of chicken bread at a go and then wrap them well in cling film or foil, then put them in some sort of a cellophane bag and tie it up tight and freeze. They can keep up to 4 weeks! When you need one, you just thaw it out overnight in the fridge or keep it out on the counter until it’s thawed out, then unwrap and zap it in the micro for a minute or so until it warms up, and then splash a little bit of water using your fingertips on it and put it in the oven for about 5 minutes to freshen it back up. Becomes as good as new! 🙂

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  1. I made it today.my mother in law love it.
    though it wasnt as neat as u hav made it.bt waw
    mine first ever successful baking;)

  2. Hello fauzia,

    Can I use the above dough recipe to make croissant shape bread, instead of the recipe you have put to make the chicken croissants. This dough recipe is much simpler!

    1. Yes you can although you will achieve best results with the dough recipe indicated in that recipe.

      1. Salams fouzia, 1st a biiig big big thanx 4 ur recipes.2day i tried ur baby chicken bread.masha allah it turned oup simply superb.its soft and filling was awsome. Thanx once again.alhamdulillah.may allah bless u with good in both worlds.tc.

    1. I’ve never really counted but depending on the size, anywhere from 12-16. More if you make them smaller.

    1. You can omit it if you don’t have it. It adds to the softness, but the results will still be good without it.

  3. hi im bushra would like to get some new recipe from you. i love your recipes. thank you .

    1. Hi Bushra, thank you! Please subscribe to the website in order to receive email notifications for new posts.

  4. Hi everything looks amazing I will def give the chicken bread a try today. Which flour do u use it doesn’t say. Thank u x

    1. Hi and thanks! If it says just flour, it means plain/all-purpose flour. If it is any other flour I normally indicate it in the recipe.

  5. dear fauzia…with 4 cups of flour u have said to divide into 2 or 3 parts from that but how do u end up getting the small bread?

    1. Dividing the dough into 2-3 parts is when you want bigger loaves, for smaller ones you can simply divide the dough to as many as you like.

      1. W/Salaam. Difficult to estimate water, just add gradually whilst kneading until the dough comes together smoothly.

  6. Salaams…i baked it today and it turned out awesome!!! I just got to know about yr site the other day and i hve tried a couple of recipes and they all turned out very nice. They are easy to follow. It is the best site ever!!! Thank u for sharing.

  7. hi, I made the bread but after an hour of kneading my dough it was still very sticky. In wich case it was very thick when I made it.

    1. Hi. Sounds like you added too much water. Always add the water gradually whilst kneading until a soft and smooth consistency is achieved with the dough.

    1. W/Salaam, do you mean GARAM masala? It is also known as all-spice powder and is easily available in desi/indian herb or spice shops.

  8. Hi Fauzia ,

    i made this today and it was delicious!
    i have a passion for cooking too and i love all your recipes! fab fab fab!

  9. Hello, I was actually wondering what kind of milk powder do you use? Could I use regular milk in the recipe as well or will it throw off the amount of water to use? Thank you!

  10. salam, i like all of you recipes.can i use this dough for garlic rolls.and can u give
    the recipe for rusgulas

  11. I tried the chicken bread and it came out hard instead of soft. why is that so ? And also pls tell me how long should i keep the chicken bread in the oven ?

    1. Baking time is given in the recipe, did you over-bake the bread? Did you preheat the oven before baking?

  12. I just discovered your site on my sis recommendation. I tried your baby chicken bread and it turned out a hit thanks a lot and keep up the good work. My son wants to become a chef any school recommendation

    1. Thank you. I personally never went to cooking school so cannot be sure on which schools are best where you are located.

  13. Thank you for the wonderful recipes Fauzia!!
    Please can you tell me Which other filling can be used for the bread as a variation? I have tried the chicken bread many times with the saucy chicken filling . Each time it came out well..
    This time I wanted to make with a different type of filling. Please can you suggest a new filling?!
    Thank you

    1. Most welcome dear. Check my fillings/toppings folder for ideas. Anything will work! 🙂

  14. thank u fauzia i tried the chicken bread and turned out very good everyone loved it i was wondering if i can make this whole wheat please advise me on which atta to use and if any other ingredients should be changed or add.

    1. Thanks for the lovely feedback, yes you can use whole wheat. No need to adjust any of the other ingredients, but you can knead the dough with milk to help it get softer.

  15. hi..just to be sure……..all purpose flour is ‘MAIDA’ in urdu….right? and if it is then in filling we will add it?

  16. Saalam fauzia sister, your blog is superb MashAllah.just want to ask that according to your measurements 4 cups of flour makes 480gms.while I made Ur chicken bread recipe using 630gms of flour as mentioned in shabs cuisine for the same recipe.it turned out perfect but can’t understand how

    1. W/Salaam, more flour means the dough and finally the bread would turn out a bit more doughy or hard as compared to using less flour in any dough recipe.

  17. As your ingredients were according to ur flour ratio .I want to know it for future recipes as I really like ur blog.plz post more curry, recipes

    1. It depends, it may get overly yeasty by morning. Keep the dough covered and refrigerated, then get it out an hour or so before you need to use it.

  18. salam i have tried ur receip and it has turn out very good . so thank u very much now im gona try ur naan

  19. Can you give an idea like what size should the dough be rolled out into…….like you gave for the chicken croissant…thanks

    1. Size depends on what size you want your breads to be, but thickness should be about quarter inch, that is the main thing.

  20. Salams fauzia sister! I tried many recipes of yours. All are
    wonderfull!! You are really great. I dont know how to make
    the shawarma dough.when ever I make it is rough.i would
    like to know how to make the dough. Could you please
    guide me?

  21. aslm alaykum sis how ar u.i wanna make baby chiken bread today bt am using kuku wa kienyeji can i boil first with water then milk or add mor milk without using water,may allah bless u always

    1. W/Salaam. Chicken needs to be boiled with water until done first before shredding and using it in the milk recipe. 🙂

  22. Can i make this without powdered milk?! I so want to make this tomorrow and shops are closed on sundays here… I m waiting for poitive reply…;)

  23. Salam alikum how ru dear……today only I got ur website thank u somuch desr.really I am vry vry happy with dis.i had made chiken malai tikka it was superb.but plz I want to knw about da baby bread chkn.even I prepared that but after baking bread was very hard.plz can I knw da reason

    1. W/Salaam, thank you. Try to make sure the bread is not over-baked and knead the dough very well to improve softness.

  24. SALAM,
    i have looked at this website millions times, but not made anything yet, will do this week inshaAllah, but wanted to say thank you so much for sharing your recipes and step by step.
    may allah reward your work

  25. I tried the recipe today and
    I tried the recipe today and it came out very neat….my family loved the breads…simply awesome…
    Thanks a million Fauzia! God bless u…keep giving us gr8 recipes…thanks a lot.

  26. Assalam, fauzia pls tell me
    Assalam, fauzia pls tell me if I can use fish filling instead of chicken.

  27. I have little confusion, in
    I have little confusion, in some of dough recipies like pizza you added 1.5 tsp salt for 2.5 cup of flour and it was perfect i made it, but here for 4 cups of flour you are adding just 1 tsp salt.i think in this case dough will be tasteless.please clear it I want to make it right now.

    1. This particular bread needs a
      This particular bread needs a bit less salt to counter the filling. You can add more salt if you want but I would recommend you try the recipe exactly the first time then adjust next time if need be. 🙂

  28. Salam, Any tip for baking
    Salam, Any tip for baking this in a gas oven. When I’ve tried yeast breads in the my gas oven they don’t seem to rise that well. Fauzia, do you use gas or electric?

    1. W/Salaam, sorry but I have
      W/Salaam, sorry but I have personally never used a gas oven, I use an electric one.

    1. Hi! It’s generally difficult
      Hi! It’s generally difficult to estimate how much water/milk is needed exactly as different flours absorb differently and different altitudes affect absorption rates. Mix half a cup of milk with half a cup of water. Warm it up, then gradually add and knead the dough. Use as much as it will take to get the dough to a soft and smooth consistency. You may need more water/milk or you may not need to use all. Once you’ve got the hang of it with your particular brand of flour, you will know for sure for next time.

  29. Salam, I’ve made this chicken
    Salam, I’ve made this chicken bread over and over for family and it goes down a treat!
    Could you tell me if I could replace boiled shredded chicken for chicken mince (keema)? I always make this recipe in large batches and sometimes don’t have the time to boil and shred lots of chicken… If chicken mince is something you can recommend how would I prepare it? (would I boil it first or can I cook in with the other ingredients without pre-boiling the keema first)? JZK

    1. W/Salaam, thank you! You
      W/Salaam, thank you! You would need to preboil or dry off the mince first before adding it to the milk mixture, just like you do with the chicken. Just dry it off without adding any water, but be sure to season it with salt and pepper and add some ginger/garlic paste to add flavour to the mince. 🙂

  30. salam fouzia. yesterday i
    salam fouzia. yesterday i made chicken bread.it did not turn golden brown like yours. remained white. i baked it more to make it golden but it got hard. what was the reason?i used the micro+convection option of my convection microwave oven.i baked at a lower temperature than what you mentioned becauze i burnt apizza last month and wasafraid of burning this too,was that my mistake? plz tell

    1. W/Salaam, lack of colour
      W/Salaam, lack of colour means the heat from the top is not there and hardening could mean the dish was overbaked. But as I never ever bake in a microwave I cannot be sure on what settings you have used or how well they work.

  31. aslm.alkm…i tried your
    aslm.alkm…i tried your recipee and was very yummy….how can i send u the pic?

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