Fauzia's Kitchen Fun

Pizza Toppings


Pizza Toppings

These are our personal favorite pizza toppings. It’s a cross between Desi and Hawaiian.


  • Chunks of tandoori chicken from this recipe: Saucy Baked Chicken Some red and green capsicum. Pineapple chunks and sweet corn. Thinly sliced onions. Makes for the most PERFECT combination on a pizza imaginable. 🙂

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  1. ASAK, I have been following your recipes and Mashallah they turn out very well.Thank you for sharing such wonderful recipes.
    God Bless you now your new venture.

  2. salam aleikum sister!
    Am in this website of yours but am glad I came across it. thanks for sharing your recipe with everyone who knows and dont know how to cook.
    I my self know the normal or how can I say my traditional food which I was taught my grandmother and my aunt which is pasta, rice with meat and vegetables,and anchera. Am glad to come across your website inshaallah My son will be glad to atleast enjoy different taste of food with your help.thank you

  3. Salaam sisters. What great stuff hey! I love the kitchen. cooking is my passion and I’m always experimenting but what you guys have done is just great. I will get ot work now and try these out.

    One thing I note is printable versions in form of pdf doc or some other text doc is required. Otherwise the printer throws out paper that is blank after the main section has been printed.

    I’m getting to work with the bubble pizza and shepherd’s pie. Will get back to you.

  4. HI u mentiond in this Chunks
    HI u mentiond in this Chunks of tandoori chicken but the link u given is Saucy Baked Chicken plz explain

    1. Hi, yes I know…the saucy
      Hi, yes I know…the saucy baked chicken recipe is actually a tandoori saucy baked chicken. You can use any other chicken that you want.

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