Fauzia's Kitchen Fun




Crunchy sweet spirals dipped in sugar syrup, adding sweetness and moistness to the crunch!
Recipe courtesy of Fati Naz.
Servings 15 people


Ingredients for Jalebis

  • 1 cup plain/all purpose flour
  • 1/8 tsp. cardamom powder
  • 1 tsp. instant yeast
  • 2 tsp. corn flour
  • 1 tsp. oil
  • 1 tbsp. plain yoghurt
  • 3/4 cup warm water

Ingredients for Syrup

  • 1 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1 cup water
  • pinch of saffron
  • 1 tsp. lemon juice
  • 1/4 tsp. cardamom powder


  • 1.  In a mixing bowl, add Plain Flour, Cardamom Powder, Instant Yeast and Corn Flour. Mix thoroughly.
    2.  Add Oil, Yogurt and Water and mix well until there are no lumps.
    3.  In a larger bowl or pot, add very warm water and place the mixing bowl with the batter inside the larger bowl (be sure that the water does not fall into the batter). Cover the larger bowl and allow the batter to rest for 30 minutes.
    4.  After the batter has been resting for 15 minutes, start on the syrup and start to pre-heat oil for frying the jalebi.
    5.  Syrup: In a heavy bottom pan, add Water, Sugar and Saffron. Cook for 15 minutes on medium heat
    6.  Reduce flame to a low simmer and add Cardamom Powder and Lemon Juice. and mix.
    7.  Mix the fermented jalebi batter well and put it in a ketchup or mustard bottle with a spout (zipper bag or piping bag can be used).
    8.  Squeeze out the batter into the hot oil in approximately 8 small circular motions. Jalebi should about 2-3 inches in diameter.
    9.  Fry until the bottom side looks golden and flip once to cook the other side.
    10.  With tongs, remove jalebi, shake off excess oil and place directly into sugar syrup.
    11.  Allow jalebi to remain in the syrup for just a minute (flipping to coat both sides), shake off excess sugar syrup and place onto a plate.
    12.  Continue frying remaining jalebies.
    13.  Enjoy them hot for optimal taste or allow them to cool and store in a container with a tight fitting lid. Jalebies will remain fresh for 4-5 days unrefrigerated.
    About mid way through the frying process, turn off the stove for the sugar syrup so that it does not become too thick.

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    1. Yes like kalimati, not too thick but not too watery either. And best to deep fry.

  1. i tried yr jalabi but the batter was too thick to b moulded into jalabi…i dont know error in measurement…..

    1. Could be an error when you measured, in any case next time simply add a bit of extra water and stir until the consistency is good enough to shape the jalebis.

  2. i tried jalebis…it was so crunchy & yummy…ma little son loved it…jazakallah fauzia sis;)

    1. Probably the oil was not very hot when you fried them so they ended up absorbing too much oil.

    1. Hi, yes it is fine, if it is active dry yeast make sure you soak it first in warm water and allow it to activate before adding it to the flour. Also you will need a little bit more yeast, about a quarter tsp extra.

  3. is it neccessary to add
    is it neccessary to add yougurt,if i will skip it ,it would be not gud kya?

  4. I never thought I could
    I never thought I could actually make jalebi at home successfully. I have made this recipe twice and both time it’s turned out awesome. I finished it on my own within a day. JazakAllah Fauzia.

  5. Jazakallahu khair sister for
    Jazakallahu khair sister for this lovely recipe. Hav tried a recipe earlier from elsewhere and it was disastrous. It was the laughing stock for eid….. This time I followed ur recipe. Was delicious.thank u once again.

  6. jalebis came out perfect …
    jalebis came out perfect …. thnx a lot fr the recipe 🙂

    1. Yoghurt is important for the
      Yoghurt is important for the best results for these jalebis.

  7. I made dem today and it was
    I made dem today and it was lovely!! Thank You So much! I just had a question, the sheera did not enter my jalebis properly, what might have i done wrong? and what shud be the consistency of the batter?

    1. Thanks! Could be that the
      Thanks! Could be that the consistency of your sheera was too thick? Try making it a bit thinner and see if that helps next time.

      1. what shud be the consistency
        what shud be the consistency of the flour batter btw? shud it be thick or runny?

  8. Salaam Fauzia ! How are you
    Salaam Fauzia ! How are you doing ? I made these jelabies and the problem I encountered was that they were nice and crispy as soon as i made them but after sometime they became absolutely soft and didn’t taste sweet anymore . What could have gone wrong ,

    1. W/Salaam, hmm not sure why
      W/Salaam, hmm not sure why that happened. Did you soak them for too long?

  9. Didn’t soak them for long at
    Didn’t soak them for long at all . Just immersed them in the sheera on both sides and took them out .

  10. salaam!! tried fr the first
    salaam!! tried fr the first tym wth your recipie n comes out owsum bt feww ov thm gts soft n few wre crispy why is that so?

    1. W/Salaam, thanks. Not sure
      W/Salaam, thanks. Not sure why some were crispy and some not. Could be the thickness of the jalebis or the amount of time fried.

  11. Lovely recipe! Wanted to ask
    Lovely recipe! Wanted to ask when exactly do we add the orange colour?

    1. Very difficult to reheat
      Very difficult to reheat jalebis. Best to let them come to room temperature and serve.

  12. Salam Fauzia.
    Salam Fauzia.
    Can I please have the recipe for Shahi Tukda. Tried the keema filling recipe and its just too good.

  13. Hi Fauzia
    Hi Fauzia

    I make your recipes all the time but I made this one and I was so so so upset.
    When I put the batter into the oil with a ketchup bottle (nozzle was not too big)
    The shape did not turn out right at all and they started breaking in the oil
    It didnt turn out to be round like yours 🙁
    Pleaase advise on what I should do – I really would like to try them again!
    Thank you!!

    1. Hi! So sorry about your
      Hi! So sorry about your results, sounds like the batter was either too thin or too thick. Do try again and inshaAllah you will have better results. Measure the ingredients very carefully.

  14. Instant yeast is a bit
    Instant yeast is a bit difficult to get here can I use dry yeast n the measurement is same 1tsp

  15. Is corn flour the same as
    Is corn flour the same as corn starch? If not, can I substitute semolina for corn flour?

  16. Respected fauzia Aoa
    Respected fauzia Aoa
    Just tried ur recepie today.
    In the first round the jalaibe got soft but then i just put the spirals for seconds and not for min. It was ok then.
    It was a great experience. Love ur recepies.
    Jazakumullah khair

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