Fauzia's Kitchen Fun

Chicken Bread – Step by Step


Chicken Bread - Step by Step

The chicken bread is one of my favourite braided and stuffed breads. Below are the step by step instructions with pics on how to make the recipe.
Servings 3 Medium Loafs


Ingredients for Dough

  • 4 cups all purpose/plain flour
  • 1 tbsp. instant yeast
  • 2 tbsp. powdered milk optional
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 4 tbsp. oil
  • 1 egg plus 1 for glazing
  • 1 tsp. castor sugar
  • 1/4 tsp baking powder to reduce any yeasty smell

Ingredients for Chicken Filling

  • 1 1/2 - 2 cups chicken boiled and shredded 250-300 gm when uncooked
  • 1 medium or 2 small onion chopped finely
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 1 tsp. black pepper
  • 2 tbsp. coriander leaves
  • 4 chopped green chillies
  • 1 tsp. garam masala powder
  • 2 tbsp. flour
  • 2 tbsp. butter
  • 1 cup milk
  • sesame seeds as required


For the Filling

  • Heat 2 tbsp. butter fry onion till soft then add 2 tbsp. flour with 1 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. black pepper, 1 tsp. garam masala.
    Add the milk, cook till thick, mix in the shredded chicken add chopped green chilies and coriander leaves, remove and cool completely.
    The filling will look like this: Creamy Chicken Filling

For the Dough

  • In a bowl mix together 4 cups flour, 1 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. castor sugar, 2 tbsp. milk powder, 1 tbsp. yeast, 1/4 tsp baking powder, 4 tbsp. oil and 1 egg, knead to a medium soft dough with slightly warm water, leave to rise for 1 hour. Divide the dough into two or three depending on how big you want the loaves. Proceed with viewing the subsequent steps to see how the bread is shaped.
  • STEP 2: Put your filling in the center of the rectangle and make slits on both of the longer sides.
  • STEP 3: Start bringing the topmost slit ends across from each other alternately
  • STEP 4: Keep going, remember to alternate, like a crisscross fashion. Left to right…right to left.
  • STEP 5: This is how it will look as you get further down the bread with the crossing of the sides/braiding.
  • STEP 6: When you reach the end, leave a tail at the bottom, just for the appearance. You can just tuck everything neatly in if you like, but I prefer to have that bit of a tail at the bottom of the loaf. 🙂
  • STEP 7: Grease a tray and place your breads. The recipe says to make 2 loaves but I prefer dividing it into three and making three average sized loaves. That is up to your preference!
  • STEP 8: Apply egg-wash and sprinkle the sesame seeds…then bake in a preheated oven at 200 C for about 25 minutes or until done.
  • (Egg-wash means to beat an egg with a tsp. of water then brush it all over your bread)
  • Here’s a twist to the chicken bread, you can make them in baby size too…this is how they look before baking.
  • FINAL RESULT: Voila! Enjoy your delicious chicken bread!!
  • Right after taking out of the oven apply butter well on whole bread and let it rest covered with a cloth for 2-3 min to soften the bread completely.


I always make big batches of chicken bread at a go and then wrap them well in cling film or foil, then put them in some sort of a cellophane bag and tie it up tight and freeze. They can keep up to 4 weeks! When you need one, you just thaw it out overnight in the fridge or keep it out on the counter until it’s thawed out, then unwrap and zap it in the micro for a minute or so until it warms up, and then splash a little bit of water using your fingertips on it and put it in the oven for about 5 minutes to freshen it back up. Becomes as good as new! 🙂

Join the Conversation

    1. hi unoee the powdered milk instead of that can i use normal milk and if i can how much would i use

  1. I used instant dry yeast directly frm da sachet 4 mixing da dough. Wil da dough turn out ok? Plz let me knw soon, i’m in da proces of makin da chicken bread rite nw. & i hav kept da dough 2 rise.

  2. This one is an amazing experience… Both making n eating were absulotly fun!!! Jazakillah sister:)

  3. hi fauzia, please tell me if i can use anything else instead of milk powder? i really want to make this today but i dont have powdered milk? what else can i use? thank you

  4. Thank you so mch for your reply Fauzia. It turned out great!
    However I have some dough left over. Can you please advise which other recipes can I use the same dough for? I don’t want to waste it. And I don’t want to make chicken bread again, want to try something new.

    1. Thanks for the lovely feedback Sarah. You can use the leftover dough as a pizza base or for making dinner rolls or any small buns with whichever other filling you like.

    1. hi there
      today i seen your recipes first time i like it .if i add more sugar because my kids like this bread as sweet bread .i can use some recipes

  5. dear fauzia, today i am going to try chicken bread with the full recipe ingredients for the dough but we r just 2 to eat !.
    just wanted to ask you, can i freeze the remaining dough? and use later? and any other buns n rolls can be made from this dough?

    1. You can use the leftover dough to make dinner rolls, pizza base or any other buns with a filling or without. Alternatively you can make extra chicken bread and freeze it for another meal. Here’s how to Freeze Breads and Buns.

  6. Please tell me also what size should i roll the dough if i want to make the small sized bread(baby size)

    1. About 4-6 inches length and 2-3 inches wide. Less than quarter inch thickness.

  7. Salam Fauzia. I tried these and they came out perfect, mashaAllah. May Allah reward you for sharing.

  8. Slmz,fauzia can I freez after filing in the dough so just need to bake when ever needed.

  9. What type of oven is required to make this roll? I hav a normal microwave oven,if I can use this,for how many minutes do I have to bake it.

    1. I have personally never baked in a microwave oven, but it should be ok if you have used yours for baking before. Cannot be sure though on the time or temperature needed for that kind of an oven. Sorry!

  10. Slmz cn I kno whether measurements for salt, yeast , and etc. should be heap o level…

      1. If it is hard wats de reason….is it dat it is not kneadd properly o smthng els

        1. Yes it could be that the dough was not kneaded well, the oven was not preheated before baking, or the bread was baked for too long. Please refer to this note for some suggestions on how to improve softness in breads: How to Achieve Soft Breads

  11. fauzia, flour means corn flour 4 filling… 1st time trying this… kindly telme its urgent

  12. asalam o alaykum
    i want to make this dish ffor todays aftar.. but i have microwave oven so plz tell me the micro time settings. please
    i ll be very thank ful to u..

    1. W/Salaam. Sorry but am not a fan of using the microwave for cooking/baking as it is not very healthy to do that. Have you tried baking on the stove top?

          1. thnx dear
            one more qustion..
            this flour is MAIDA or that chapati’s flour or something else?

          2. pls tel me hat kind of plates i can use inside the pot?coz i don’t hav bakng trays…..pls help me…..pls…

          3. hai Fauzia…..yday i tried ur chicken bread recipe….&i can’t belive da result….its da first time am bakng a bread….&thank u very much 4 ur nice recipe &all da advices….thanks a lot dear….

  13. Fauzia is it ok to use normal sugar instead of grinding as I hav to buy a new one n dnt hav ?

  14. salam fauzia, it looks like as u have rubbed some thing (water, butter) on the dough before or after placing the filling, that u have not mentioned, am I right ?

    1. W/Salaam, correct…I have brushed softened butter on the dough which is optional. 🙂

    1. W/Salaam, in a preheated oven at 200 C for about 25 minutes or until done.

      1. It’s actually in ur recipe! Silly me! Just noticed!

        Thank u sooo much 4 a v prompt reply tho 🙂

  15. Thank you so much for the excellent recipe! Tried it today and it turned out perfect!! 🙂

  16. i made medium size ones with potoe …it luked prettyy. i wanted to make miniture version of these for my iftari. is there any chance of making the dough the b night before and putting it in fridge to let it rise slowly. as i wud need to make at least 25mini ones. i wanted freeze as last resort…if i freeze how long do i ‘parbake’ it for.

  17. How would I store the dough. Should I store the kneeded dough in the fridge well covered?
    Or Could I make all the mini rolls in the morning and then put in the fridge while I do other stuff and bake just before iftar so its warm.
    The reason I dont want to freeze is because its for the following day.

    1. Yes refrigerate the dough immediately after kneading, it will gradually rise in the fridge. Make sure you wrap it well so it doesn’t dry out. Remove it an hour or two before you need to use it so it isn’t too cold by the time you work on it.

  18. Also I was thinking of tryining it with ‘tuna, pepper and chese sprinkled’. What do you think.
    You mentioned the ingredients is enough for 6-7people- does that mean it will make 6-7 large rolls or medium rolls?

    1. Sounds good! I make 3 medium loaves, each of which serves 2. You can shape as many/big/small breads as you like. 🙂

  19. Do you think it would taste nice with tuna, pepper and cheese?
    Sorry I ask you so many questions. But recipes are sooo wonderful and look so great.

  20. Hi Fauzia
    Your recipes are amazing MashAllah…… yesterday i tried your chicken bread recipe and it turned our really good and yummy 🙂 i had some dough leftover and i filled it with some leftover chicken tikka with cheese and it was amazing too

    1. No I would not advice it. Plenty of fried recipes, please check the other albums.

  21. Assalamoalikum, this blog is by far my favourite. i have only tried this chicken bread and found your page two days ago, but i think the bread has become an instant hit, and i have feeling that whatever i try from this blog will have a wow factor. i am grateful to my freind Madiha who introduced me to it. love it, Jazakillah Fauzia and Fozia for sharing your best with us:)

  22. Salam fouzia.
    Firstly I would like to congratulate that u r doing really good job. Food looks great. Well done.
    I was wondering for bread, can I use “Hovis Bread Mix”
    It doesn’t require anything just water and rise itself in one hrs.
    I use it for pretzels.

    1. W/Salaam, yes you can if you have used it before for bread items and liked the results.

  23. aslamwalikum can we use otg oven for this recipe plzz reply soon insha allah i will try these soon ….. and ur site is tooo goood im loving it all the recipes are nicely explained with pictures …thanks a lot …allah hafiz

  24. W/Salaam, not sure how an OTG oven works, but if you have baked in it before then there shouldn’t be a problem. Thanks!

  25. Salaam Fauzia. Can you please tell me an alternative to using an oven? I want to make this today and my oven is not working 🙁

    Is there any method of making this on the stove? Please help!

  26. ya i have made buns in it and it has cum nicely even i make pizzas ok i will insha allah try this thank u

  27. hey salam sis.. i tried ur different recipes and they turned out really gud alhumdullillah.. thanks 🙂
    I wanna make it but a lil confusion that how would I know its completely bake or still need to bake more,is thr any clue or the time duration u told is perfectly okay?
    kindly reply:)

    1. W/Salaam, as mentioned in the recipe, I bake for about 25 minutes in a preheated 200C oven.

  28. As salaam alaikum sister Fauzia,
    I am not good at baking but wanted to try the Chicken Bread since it looked delicious. But I don’t think it came out the way it is suppose to. Here are a few things that I changed (I didnt have an option).
    First of all I did not have instant yeast – so I used Active yeast soaked in water for a few mins. After I made the dough & kept it out in the warm for 1 hr, the dough had not risen at all. I was getting late for Iftar & I had to go ahead with the same dough.
    Next: it was suppose to be baked at 200C, but I just read 200 & turned on my GAS oven (in US they use the F scale). So my bread was not baked in most 30 mins (yes I had preheated the oven). So I increased the temp to 400 when I read the Celcius & realized I was baking on Farenhiet scale.
    WHen once the bread looked like a good golden color, I took it off & followed ur steps. But when I ate it, it didn’t seem like it was cooked/baked all the way in. I could feel the pasty dough.
    But the filling was good, so it was fine.
    I would really appreciate if you let me know how I can bake better & make the dough rise properly.
    JazakAllah Khair 🙂

    1. W/Salaam, please read this note and then try again. If you have any more questions, drop me a line.: Yeast

      1. JazakAllah khair for ur reply. I read the link. Inshallah will try it. Your recipes are awesome.

  29. Salam sister,
    i need to ask one thing.
    Which flour do we need to make the dough. Is it plain flour(maida in urdu) or chappati flour?

  30. Salaam.
    I just love your recipes.
    Quick qns: wen u cross the slits do u have to pinch in the edges or leave just like tht?

  31. Hi fauzia, m a big big fan of all ur recipes,though hv not tried one yet… a silly question though, can I replace chicken with boiled n mashed potatoes… n can i brush d loaf with milk instead of milk? thnx!

    1. Hi, thanks. Yes you can use any filling that you like and I believe you wanted to ask if you can use milk instead of EGG? Yes you can.

  32. Hi I am trying to make the chicken bread. What measurement shall I use see as you’ve put 4 cups what is that equivalent to in grams please

  33. Assalam alaikum,dear fouziaaaaaa so sweet of u and ur recipes wounderfull.from the day i came to know abt u.iregularly vist ur page.i had some of ur recipes they r wonderful,i had 1book which contain the same recipes only the filling is different its sweet,anyway plz do one favoour for me plz show me how to make easter tea ring,dear it really tastes vry nice but my one doesnt comes perfect.plz.

    1. W/Salaam, thanks dear and inshaAllah will try and post a recipe for the tea-ring soon.

  34. ASSALAMUALAIKUM,,,1 cup of plain flour.can u tell me 1 cup is it 250g u mean…coz i hav 250ml is 1 cup.plz reply thank you

    1. Hi, I would not recommend it. Also, please mind that I cannot always respond immediately, I only check in when I have some free time to spare. Thank you.

  35. assalamualaikum…can abtcABu tell me for the yeast. i used ALLISON YEAST easy bake yeast…is it the same lik yours

  36. Asalamualaikum,

    May Allah Bless You…Fauziya wanted to know if i can prepare the bread earlier & bake it later in 2-3 hrs of time, so how should i keep it till that time, the pattern which you have shown is to bake & freeze.
    Please help as im preparing for the first time & want to serve hot.

  37. Dear Fauzia..many thanks..i loved making this one and it was loved by my family. And I am not a very creative person but for me this was a great confidence booster.

  38. aoa,Fauzia today i tried ur amazing chicken bread recipie it came out perfectly delicious i must say better than the one available in the bakery thankss alot for sharing your talent and for making us feel special too……dua’s for u…:)

  39. assalamualaikum
    I made these yesterday ,I didnt believe that I made them they were perfect mashaallah. My little daughter asked where did abba got it from ? my hubby also loved it. Thank you fauzia , u made cooking real fun for everyone.

  40. Hello dear! I was going to try this chicken bread today but I had a couple of questions for you. First I just wanted to know if I don’t have the milk powder available, is it ok to omit it? Second question is that you wrote castor sugar for the flour prep recipe, I just wanted to know what that is? Regular sugar or something else? Please let me know… Thank you!

  41. Asalam alikum,, sister foziya ur recipes r wonderful Mashallah… i wana ask u tht most of ur baking items are used eggs ex. chicken bread etc i realy wana make them but couldnt use egg. plz tell me some Alternative thing.. jazakallah ho kiran

  42. W/Salaam, you can use 2 tbsp of fresh natural yoghurt in place of egg in the breads. 🙂

  43. i made this today n it comes really well….bt one ques is that, after baking them or having them bread tastes dry…how can i make the bread more soft or little wet inside….thnq

  44. salams sis,,

    i made this bread.. its sooooo tasty nd ma family members like that very much. i expect ur new recipes more & more.. thank u soo much dear..

  45. AOA, i tried urs chicken manchurian recipe it taste so yummy, now today i decided to bake bake chicken bread,if i use cheese and mashed potato with boiled chicken, will it be fine or not as the cremy filling pleasereply me soonn.
    thank you so much.

  46. tried this a week back…turned out great…perfect bread n yummmmmmmmmm filling…evn thou m nt very fond of white sauce bt still luvd it… :p wat other fillings can i use with this bread??? U r a great Cook MA thanx a lot for sharing such good recipes in such an easy way…keep up the good work. 🙂

  47. Salaamz Fauzia

    I made this Chicken Bread and it come out perfect and really yummy, thanx for the recipe! Just wondering, I know you said we could use just about any filling in the previous comments, but can u plz suggest a couple, what else would you use for filling. Thanksss!!! 🙂

    1. W/Salaam, springroll veggie filling, mashed potatoes either plain or with mince or boiled egg, tuna filling, spicy chicken filling, shredded leftover meats. 🙂

  48. hey i tried Ur spicy chicken filling for this bread but it felt a lil dry… wat to do??? can i add ketchup to it or stock wud be a better option???

  49. salam..
    Mashallah very very very fantastic result.. i made it first time. and very happy to see it… May ALLAH gives u AJAR E AZEEM,..

  50. Hi fauzia. Could you please tell me what size dough balls i need to take to make baby chicken bread. Thanks 🙂

  51. ok will do,and i also wanted to thank you:) ive always been a pretty good cook and baker but your breads have totally overawed my family. Thanks 😀

  52. slmz i tried it out and it was extremely good,i am nt a very good cook bt seems like am turning over a new leaf thankx to you may GOD bless u

      1. oh ok thanks, will surely try it 🙂 well one more thing kindly demonstrate with pictures how to use/on gas ovens (cooking range) first time.. i got one and aint getting idea at all how to use it.

  53. Hi fouzia,I love all ur recipes n it turn out very tasty n it looks Awesome..jazakallah for your new recipes..

    1. It’s perfectly ok, simply allow the bread to thaw before you warm it, stick it in the microwave until it is warm then put it in a hot oven just for a couple of minutes or so to firm it up again. It will be perfect. You can even brush it with some melted butter straight out of the oven to keep it soft.

  54. m just making this bread plz tell me i have small oven should i have to on upper and lower rod or just lwer rod is ok???w8ing for ur reply

  55. Start with the lower heating element. Midway through baking, turn on the top to make sure the baking is even.

  56. salam sister, i tried many of your recipes,tasty results must say bless you always i have a question,i tried this chicken bread recipe more then 10 times but my dough is always tricky to handle,i failed to make a braid always,can u plz guide me so next time i can bake a beauty like yours salam & blessings

  57. salam sister, stay blessed i treasure your page a lot it helps me cook yummy food, i have a question plz do guide me when ever i bake chicken bread i fail to braid the dough should i chill it then fill?????? how to make a braid like you show in pi. plz do help me out.salam


  59. hello,
    I made the chicken bread today. it was very good, but i woul d like my bread to be much fluffier softer. can u give me any tips? should i let the bread rise after i fill and braid it?

  60. Assalamualikum, Was just
    Assalamualikum, Was just wondering if you have ever tried any other filling in these? Jazakallah

  61. Asalam,hp u doing f9.i made z
    Asalam,hp u doing f9.i made z chicken bread n it was just amazing&wonderful.taste was great&looks was pwrfect.thnks so so much for such lovely creative recipe.all had like it lots.u deserve to b praise everyday.

  62. Doea the yeast need to be
    Doea the yeast need to be dissolved in warm water, than knead It in to the dough.

    1. We are using Instant yeast
      We are using Instant yeast which does not require to be dissolved in warm water.

    1. Yes or alternatively you can
      Yes or alternatively you can bake and then store until time for serving. Then just warm it up and serve.

  63. Salaam Fauzia
    Salaam Fauzia

    Tried this today for the first time and turned out really good. Thank you so much for the recipe. I have a question though, how to check whether the bread is done or not? I just took it out after 20 mins and it was quite hard. Then I dabbed butter on it and left it covered for a while. All was well after 10 mins 🙂 Still how to check if done or not?

    1. W/Salaam, thanks. I guess it
      W/Salaam, thanks. I guess it’s mostly an experience thing. You will learn the way your oven works when you’ve used it a few times and eventually you will know how long is long enough. But normally 20-25 minutes is good.

  64. I made these chicken bread ..
    I made these chicken bread .. Nd it came out soooo good :))
    My family members were shocked that I have made it :)) they thought I have ordered it from outside:p but of course all credits goes to u :))! Thanks a lot for sharing such wonderful recipes ,!

  65. hello fauzia,
    hello fauzia,
    u didn’t inform how many gram 1 tbsp of flour,milk powder is equal to?
    i took 1 tbsp(15 ml)spoon then i felt dat 1 cup milk z not enough.i add more milk and chicken stock.Every one will get confused in measuring powders due to different measuring cups.


    1 cup – 250 ml like dis.

    my suggestion for ur page,in new updates u plz add grams too in bracket…

    Thanks for such a wonderfull website…

  66. Thanx fauzia…i loved the
    Thanx fauzia…i loved the recipe,its step by step and easy to follow.

  67. Asak… I wanted to know the
    Asak… I wanted to know the proportion if I use aata instead of maida

    1. W/Salaam, if possible mix
      W/Salaam, if possible mix aata with maida for softer results, but otherwise all measurements remain the same. 🙂

  68. I make today this and follow
    I make today this and follow all of your ingredients it’s was yummy thanks fouzia

  69. Hi fauzia! Would you or any
    Hi fauzia! Would you or any one out there have the recipe for rissoles? Please. Great work lovely recipes. Thank you. Xx

    1. Hi! At the moment I do not
      Hi! At the moment I do not have the recipe yet, will post as soon as I try it out. 🙂

  70. Salaam sister..I’m gonna try
    Salaam sister..I’m gonna try this recipe for the first..wish me luck..been wanting to try it from ages..was something wrong with my oven.got it fixed just yesterday…needed to know something..I have the stove type oven..and sadly all the numbering have got erased..so for how long do i do I bake it..and how do i know if it’s done..Jazakallah

    1. W/Salaam, I would suggest
      W/Salaam, I would suggest that you get an oven thermometer which will help you measure the temperature of your oven so that your baking is more accurate. 🙂

  71. Aoa…i wanted to know while
    Aoa…i wanted to know while baking the bread,both rods for heating should be on or just the lower one in the electric oven…. 🙂

    1. About the rods that need to
      About the rods that need to be switched on, my oven works differently (I don’t have to switch on various rods at any time) but I believe for ovens like what you are using, start with the bottom one and then midway turn on the top. Accordingly see how the results are and adjust. 🙂

  72. I am bowled over! This was an
    I am bowled over! This was an awesome recipe and I can’t believe I could make this, thank u for inspiring me and so many others and for the wonderful recipe, ofcourse 🙂 my chicken bread turned out lovely, only it was slightly hard but I figure that is my own doing and differing oven temperatures. Otherwise, it turns out chef worthy! I made it using your keema samosa filling. A question: is the bread supposed to be act like packages white bread or more like a bakery croissant? Mine were …if pressed down it would nt make an intention…make sense? And I think it should.

    1. Thank you! The bread should
      Thank you! The bread should be firm but soft. Make sure you do not overbake it and brush it with butter right after it comes out of the oven. Also, keep it covered with a clean towel after baking to retain softness.

  73. i made this on thursday it
    i made this on thursday it was awesome and very interest in braiding it. thanks for sharing this recipe

  74. Hi fauzia shukran for the all
    Hi fauzia shukran for the all the recipes, and may Allah reward you abundantly. I have a question in regards to the chicken bread. i noticed we put yeast but its not mentioned to let the dough rise, so are we suppose to let the dough rise twice before and after shaping them?

    1. Hi! If you read the recipe
      Hi! If you read the recipe carefully you will notice that the dough IS in fact allowed to rise for an hour and then shaped. A second rise is not required. Just shape and bake.

  75. Salam fauzy,ma Sha Allah.nyc
    Salam fauzy,ma Sha Allah.nyc recipes.which is the self raising flour and which is tj plain flour.am in nigeria nd not too sure if I can diffrenciate them.tnx

    1. Beat an egg yolk with a tsp
      Beat an egg yolk with a tsp of milk and then brush the bread with it before baking. That is known as egg wash.

  76. Salaam Fauzia.
    Salaam Fauzia.
    I wanted to know how long should I pre-heat the oven before putting the bread. And at what temperature?

    1. W/Salaam, takes about 15-20
      W/Salaam, takes about 15-20 minutes to reach the required temperature.

  77. Assalamu alaikum .. Wat can i
    Assalamu alaikum .. Wat can i use instead of instant yeast?

    1. W/Salaam, you can use dry
      W/Salaam, you can use dry yeast but you will need to use a bit more of it and activate it in warm water before use.

  78. Aoa Fauzia, thanks for
    Aoa Fauzia, thanks for sharing such amazing recipes with us. I tried the chicken bread yesterday and it was just perfect specially keeping in mind that it was the first time I baked any kind of bread.
    In sha Allah I will try other recipes as well.

  79. Asa sister,
    Asa sister,
    I made chicken bread today.tasted good but the base of chicken bread got hard.i baked it at 300 fahrenheit.what should i do to prevent it.n can i freeze the unused dough in freezer and then later use it to make chicken bread.kindly reply.

    1. For how long did you bake it?
      For how long did you bake it? Yes you can freeze the dough although it may smell yeasty if stored too long. 300 F is equivalent to just 150 C, waaay too low.

  80. Assalam o alaikum Fauzia
    Assalam o alaikum Fauzia

    I have tried this recipe and it used to turn out great. But for the last few times after I take it out of oven, the braids look stretched and have a crack from where the other strand overlaps. Is there somehow I can show you a picture of it and you can advise? I have a gas oven.


  81. Assalamu Alaikum Fauzia
    Assalamu Alaikum Fauzia sister…

    This looks wonderful, I am trying this recipe for the first time, i do not have powdered milk, i am using reg.milk instead… hope it turn out well…

    JazakAllah for the recipe…

  82. OMG! I am soooo happy finding
    OMG! I am soooo happy finding dis website! 😀
    all thanks to a frnd of mine! 🙂
    I hope some day i’ll be able to cook good too :’)
    In Sha Allah!

  83. assalamualaikum, fauzia will
    assalamualaikum, fauzia will u plz tell me how can i bake these on a simple stove as i dont have the oven at home. will it be okay to bake it like pizza making on stove?

  84. Really awesome recipe, l made
    Really awesome recipe, l made it hundred times , never failed , love u fawzia.

  85. Salaam
    Just made the chicken bread.. It was so so good!! Everybody just luved it!! Thank u so much 🙂

  86. Those who want to know about
    Those who want to know about microwave baking.. I have used conv. bake mode.. Preheated the oven at 200`c and baked for 18 mins..
    Hope this helps..

  87. Aoa,Dear Fauzia i just try ur
    Aoa,Dear Fauzia i just try ur recipe it make delicious but the dough make hard and i add all ingredient as u say?

    1. Could be that the dough was
      Could be that the dough was not soft enough, did you knead it until it was soft? And another reason could be that you overbaked the bread. Did you preheat the oven? How long did you bake the bread for?

  88. I made it and every one loves
    I made it and every one loves it ….THANK U !! Thank u so much for telling us such a wonderful recipe…..

  89. Hey fauzia! can you please
    Hey fauzia! can you please tell me for how long should I preheat the electric oven? Thank you, waiting for your reply.

  90. Salaam fauzia sister. Iam so
    Salaam fauzia sister. Iam so thankful to you for all your lovely receipi Iam newly wedded and not so good with cooking but your website has just made impossible to possible!! Yes !! Yesterday I made te above dish for the very first time and everyone loved it at home!!! Couldn’t believe it myself!! Thank you so much!!

  91. In sha Allah want to try this
    In sha Allah want to try this badly. But it’s late night now! Like the idea of freezing too.will get back when i do try. In sha Allah.

  92. Asalamoalaikum Im going to
    Asalamoalaikum Im going to make dis today I wanted yo knw if I could make d whole thing in advance n keep and bake it after 1-2hours?

    1. W/Salaam, being a yeast bread
      W/Salaam, being a yeast bread, keeping it for those hours will make it over rise and end up smelling yeasty and getting over proven. Best to bake it midway or three-quarters of the way, then pack and finish it off when you are going to serve it.

  93. Asalm alaikm sis I tryd to
    Asalm alaikm sis I tryd to make dough to many times but it never came proper wats the reason

    1. W/Salaam, could you please be
      W/Salaam, could you please be more specific. When you say it never came proper, what exactly do you mean?

  94. Salamalikum fauzia.what can
    Salamalikum fauzia.what can be an alternative veg filling to this?

    1. W/Salaam, please check my
      W/Salaam, please check my fillings/toppings folder for a variety of veggie options. 🙂

  95. Wow, looks delicious, is it
    Wow, looks delicious, is it ok just to set aside the bread dough for 10 minutes, will it still be the same?

  96. assalam o alaikum … fauzia
    assalam o alaikum … fauzia i just made this chicken stuff bread with your recipe … that was soo awesome … but i need to know why my bread got a bit crispy ? is there any way i can make it softer like bread ?
    plz do reply me asap…

  97. Dear fauzia. ..I just wana
    Dear fauzia. ..I just wana know one thing pls….is there any difference between the doughs..for example. …cn we use the proportion of the dough for chicken bread ..same as the proportion of garlic rolls dough!!!..and one thing more…dont we need second poofing for chicken bread…pls reply..!! Thanks in advance

    1. Yes there is a slight
      Yes there is a slight difference, if you notice the chicken bread has 1 tbsp of yeast as compared to the smaller amounts used in other doughs. That is why it does not require second proofing for it. Different doughs work differently.

  98. Just want to say alots of
    Just want to say alots of thnxx for this recipe..I tried this..it comes out awesome. .all loved it…upload more recipes …now going to try cookies..hope to get them as awesome as this thnx again..

  99. As salaam alaikum. Can u
    As salaam alaikum. Can u please let me know the number of bread loafs this quantity makes? Also whats the equivalent quantity of Active Dry Yeast instead of Instant Yeast? Thanks!

    1. W/Salaam, as mentioned in the
      W/Salaam, as mentioned in the instructions and under the pic, right hand side, this recipe makes 3 loafs. Please refer to my tips section of the website for yeast conversion under the tip titled Dough not rising, find out why.

  100. Salaam Fauzia I tried this
    Salaam Fauzia I tried this and it was so easyyyyyy and came out perfect.My kids loved it.Its a regular now at my place .Thank you so much 🙂

  101. thank you fauzia
    thank you fauzia
    I prepared bread chicken it turned out so well , all my guest asked me how u prepared
    I gave them all ur website even many of my friends tried and turned out well
    once again thank you

  102. im so happy this time when I
    im so happy this time when I open the link no need to write the pass words
    or else I have to ask for the reset of pass words

    thank you

  103. Asalamualaikam. Hope that you
    Asalamualaikam. Hope that you are well. Can we use chicken mince for this? Thank you x

  104. Asalamualaikam fauzia! I
    Asalamualaikam fauzia! I really want to make the chicken bread. How many grams would 2 cups of chicken be. Would you use the same measurements as cups of flour? Thank you

  105. Assalamu alaikum sis,
    Assalamu alaikum sis,

    If we don’t get castor suger what can we use instead?

    1. W/Salaam, castor sugar is
      W/Salaam, castor sugar is simply regular sugar that has been grinded.

  106. I m very thankful to you.
    I m very thankful to you. Your recipes are amazing. You made it so easy by showing step by step. I made this recipe yesterday and my family loved it. Thanks again!

  107. i made chicken bread
    i made chicken bread yesterday..i was really good recipe..i made two chicken bread out of this dough bt i think three average sized would be better..
    can you tell me any sauce or dip to serve with this bread.plz reply soon

    1. Thanks! Any dip that you like
      Thanks! Any dip that you like will do. We prefer to have it with my dip titled Ramadhan Chutney or sometimes just with ketchup. If you can check for that and other sauces in my Chutneys and Dips folder.

  108. A.A. Fauzia, first of all may
    A.A. Fauzia, first of all may Allah (S.W.T) bless you immensely for sharing your recipes with us. In Mombasa you are famous, everyone’s about Fauzia’s kitchen recipes, the restaurants may soon be out of customers 🙂 !!
    Anyway on to my queries, as a person who has arthritis, milk or even coconut milk does not suit me, is there any substitute for the 1 cup of milk / 2 spoons powder milk in the above recipe that I can make?
    Secondly can the bread bake in the makeshift oven that you mentioned in your stove top marble cake recipe (i don’t own an oven)?
    Thirdly please, please experiment with the vilosa recipe on the below webpage and tell us how to make it – i tried and it failed miserably! http://www.alhidaaya.com/sw/node/1069
    Many thanks…

    1. Salaam, thank you so much for
      Salaam, thank you so much for such a sweet message! In place of milk, you can use warm water. And yes many of my fans have made this in the stove top oven and have achieved perfect results. Just that you may not get that golden/brown top because the stove top oven does not give heat from the top. A way around this is to place some lit coals on top of the lid that covers the pan so there is heat all around. Will definitely try out the vilosa recipe inshaAllah, thanks! 🙂

  109. Hi, I am learner your Chicken
    Hi, I am learner your Chicken Bread look nice.
    How much 4 cups flour in grams.

  110. Jazakallhi Khair for the
    Jazakallhi Khair for the wonderful recipe.I tried it today but i saw that the dough remain uncooked from inside but outside was perfect,wat cud have been the reason??:(

    1. Sounds like your oven temp
      Sounds like your oven temp was too high and the bread cooked from the outside before it was done inside.

  111. Aoa Fauzia, thank you so much
    Aoa Fauzia, thank you so much for all your recipes, especially this chicken bread which is now one of the favourites amongst my family and friends!
    I have a query on behalf of someone who cant have dairy, could this bread be made without egg? or is there any substitue for egg?

    1. Yes that is fine, replace the
      Yes that is fine, replace the egg with 2 tbsp yoghurt and then brush the bread with milk instead of egg.

    Whenever I made chicken bread, bread has always crust.what is the reason? Plz reply

  113. Assalamualaikum i wanted to
    Assalamualaikum i wanted to ask if i can make these chicken bread on an evening and put in fridge to bake the following day. If so how do i store it and does the same apply to the chicken roses and pizza roses. Please let me knowm jazakallah

  114. ASA dear fauzia
    ASA dear fauzia
    I M facing a problem with this braided bread. Recently I tried this but my bread did not turn out a good bread..it turned brown but the bread did not raise as it should be…it remained thin like before baking… Need ur help 🙁

    1. Sounds like something is
      Sounds like something is wrong with the yeast. Please check the tips and tricks section for my note on dough not rising and how to solve it.

  115. My daughter is allergic to
    My daughter is allergic to egg. Can egg be substituted with anything else?

    1. Yes, for the dough substitute
      Yes, for the dough substitute the egg with 2 tbsp yoghurt. For the egg wash on top of the bread, simply brush the bread with milk.

  116. Hiya
    I just wanted to know how many ingredients are needed for one loaf
    And also can you please give me the ingredients in grams.
    Thanks in advance

    1. Hi, you can divide the dough
      Hi, you can divide the dough in half and make one big loaf or two little ones. Please check my measurement note in the tips section to find the conversion into grams. 🙂

  117. hey..plain flour means maida
    hey..plain flour means maida or normal flour used fr chapati???
    wht is castor shugar??
    nd cn v use nido as powdered milk or normal fresh milk???

    1. Plain flour is maida. Castor
      Plain flour is maida. Castor sugar is finely grinded sugar. Nido can be used as the powdered milk.

  118. plz tell me shoul we on uper
    plz tell me shoul we on uper stove of oven after bake with lower side stove of oven?? if yes thn fr how mch time we on upper stove in normal oven fr bake thm completly??

    1. About the rods that need to
      About the rods that need to be switched on, my oven works differently (I don’t have to switch on various rods at any time) but I believe for ovens like what you are using, start with the bottom one and then midway turn on the top. Accordingly see how the results are and adjust. 🙂

  119. Hi Fauzia! I made these bread
    Hi Fauzia! I made these bread twice and they were a hit both times! an amazing recipe and so easy! thank you! I made it once using tikka chicken filling and once the creamy chicken you mentioned in the recipe. But my bread didn’t turn out as brown as your. I did used the grill for 10 minutes and cooked the bread for 25 mintues at around 200 degrees. Can you please let me know how to make it more brown?

    1. Hi, thanks for the lovely
      Hi, thanks for the lovely feedback! Do you brush the bread with some beaten egg? The browning really depends on the oven, mine gives off heat from all the sides and therefore the breads get evenly coloured. Try and put the bread one level higher during the final minutes so that it is closer to the grill but keep a close eye on it so it doesn’t burn. If that doesn’t work you may want to have the oven grill checked as it should be able to brown the bread within 10-15 minutes. 🙂

  120. Hi. Does it matter if I let
    Hi. Does it matter if I let the bread dough rest for more than an hour?

    1. Hi, once the dough doubles in
      Hi, once the dough doubles in volume it is best to use it right away. The longer you store it the more the yeast gets activated and you will end up with a very yeasty smelling dough/bread.

  121. Salams! When i freeze these
    Salams! When i freeze these,what should i do if i dont have a microwave?

    1. W/Salaam, preheat your oven,
      W/Salaam, preheat your oven, brush the bread with a bit of milk and warm it up in there. Make sure the bread comes to room temperature or is not frozen solid when you put it in the oven.

  122. Jezakallah khair! I will
    Jezakallah khair! I will surely make dua for you during this blessed month!

  123. Hello
    I am following all the steps but mine wont turn out brow and shiny like yours. I dont know where i am going wrong,
    Please help;

    1. Hi, depends on your oven
      Hi, depends on your oven heating…sounds like it doesn’t give enough heat from the top. If your oven has a separate grill setting then turn the top grill on during the final minutes of baking to colour the bread.

  124. salamz fauzia.
    salamz fauzia.
    i want to make dis bread today but with ur spicy keema filling can u plz tel me how many baby bread wil serve 250 gmz keema..plzzz plzzzz replay sooon

    1. W/Salaam. Hard to say really,
      W/Salaam. Hard to say really, it depends on how much you fill the buns.

  125. and instead of eggwash what
    and instead of eggwash what shld i brush for nice golden colr

  126. how many pounds of boneless
    how many pounds of boneless chicken breast is 2 cups of shredded chicken?

    1. A little less than a pound.
      A little less than a pound. Cook the chicken, shred and then measure.

  127. Assalam o alaikum fuzia first
    Assalam o alaikum fuzia first of all thank you so much for this recipe. I just made it for aftar and turned out very delicious. Only one thing I dont like it that my bread was little crispy from the tail and from the uppar part. What you think did I cook longer? I cooked at 400 f about 40 mints because I want the same colour which you have on your bread. I got the color but little hard 🙁

    1. W/Salaam, 40 minutes is way
      W/Salaam, 40 minutes is way too long and that is why the bread turned hard. Check your oven settings to see if you need to turn on the top grill separately and do that instead of overbaking next time. 🙂

  128. Also I have some leftover
    Also I have some leftover dough. Plz tell me how to save the dough.

    1. You can make rolls and bake
      You can make rolls and bake them or pizza bases just make sure to half-bake and then freeze.

  129. hello fauzia..many times I
    hello fauzia..many times I made pizza dough n it went awesome…but today I prepared the dough with a same recipie n it dint rise…I think water is hot..i used 1 1/2 tsp yeast n 2 tsp sugar…I kept it in aoven for about 9 hrs n it dint rise as it it rose perfct bfr in 2 hrs..
    den I placed a dough in the fridge n I ll make stuffed bread by a pizza dough recipie…is it ok?..any tip for dough ll get well when bake?
    n I hve a gas oven so at what heat (low,medium,low to medium, medium to high) should I bake the chicken bread n for how many minutes bcox last time my bread became too hard? I used different recipie bfr but this time I m using pizza dough recipie..
    thanku..waiting for your reply..have to prepare in the morning

    1. Hi, yes the yeast must have
      Hi, yes the yeast must have not worked, no dough would take 9 hours to rise. Please change your yeast and try again. Also avoid overbaking the bread and make sure your oven is preheated before starting. The dough has to be well kneaded and very soft too.

  130. in a gas oven can v hav only
    in a gas oven can v hav only down burner option n upper is for griller …so how to bake the bread

    1. Sorry have never used that
      Sorry have never used that kind of oven so am not sure what is the best way to work with it.

  131. Slms, how are u? Hope doing
    Slms, how are u? Hope doing well.. Please can u tell me how many chicken does this recipe need? As u hve written 1 1/2 – 2 cups of chicken.. Exact chicken measurement before shredding or boiling it..

  132. Aoa, I’ve tried anything like
    Aoa, I’ve tried anything like this for the first time and it was awesome… Everyone loved it… But the bread was a bit hard… Why is that?…. Well thank you for this amazing recipe.

    1. W/Salaam, thank you. Could be
      W/Salaam, thank you. Could be that the dough was not kneaded soft enough or the bread was baked for longer than the recommended time. Please refer to my note on how to achieve soft breads, it is in the Tips & Tricks section of this website.

  133. A.A made the chicken bread
    A.A made the chicken bread and your lentille soup…it was more than AMAZINGGG…
    thnx for ur recipes ..mashaAllah…

  134. Hi fouzia….i try ur chicken
    Hi fouzia….i try ur chicken bread today…but after baking my bread comes out to be hard….i apply butter but it is not soft enough…and i have gas oven i want to know for making this bread i will open lower gas grill or upper or both??? Ply rply me fast i want to make it for iftar for my guests…i try ur recipes really love themm:) God bless u

    1. Hi, be sure to knead the
      Hi, be sure to knead the dough well and make it really soft. The softer the better. I do not have an oven that has separate settings for top and bottom, mine just automatically gives off heat all around. But you can try with first the bottom then the top from midway.

  135. Slmz Fauzia
    Slmz Fauzia
    I would like to know if its possible to half the recipe as I dont want to make so many loaves. I prefer not to freeze any left overs. Jazak-Allah

  136. Hi Fauzia… I tried your
    Hi Fauzia… I tried your recipe and it’s great.. I added some mushrooms to make it a creamy chicken and mushroom filling and it is amazing definitely takes it a notch higher! Thanks for the recipe

    1. I personally have not tried
      I personally have not tried it so I cannot recommend the correct time and temp when using a microwave.

  137. i have tried this and love
    i have tried this and love the recipe! however i have noticed my corners turn out to be a bit harder- any suggestions for that? Plus I have another request – whenever you get a moment can you please share spinach gozleme recipe. Your recipes are fool proof and I would love to give it a first go from you recipe! cheers xx

    1. Brush the bread with butter
      Brush the bread with butter right after baking and then keep it covered. It helps keep it soft. 🙂

  138. Favorite recipe! It turned
    Favorite recipe! It turned out so perfect made it twice already. Thanks for the great recipe

  139. Aslam o Alikum i tried this
    Aslam o Alikum i tried this the taste was sooo gud but its dough was too soft to handle and when i bake it sum cracks were on it kindly can told me what was the reason

  140. Kneaded method require after
    Kneaded method require after or befor rising the dough and the dough should b sticky ????

  141. Assalamualikum, my bread
    Assalamualikum, my bread turned out to be hard. Although it did turn a bit soft after a few minutes bt it was still quitr hard. Can ilu kindly suggest me what should be done to avoid this next time.
    And i used 3 cups instead of 4 and used the quantity of remaining ingrediets as mentioned, is this the reason it turned hard? Kindly reply

  142. Made the chicken bread today and it came out fabulous and it was very filling and also quite simple to make & super delicious! I Absolutely love your recipes..they are great! Asante!

  143. Ur recipe was a great help to me. And by following the steps I got an awesome result. Thanks dear

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