Fauzia's Kitchen Fun

Foolproof Fried Chicken


Foolproof Fried Chicken

Do you get stressed-out whenever you have to fry chicken, just because you can never be very sure whether or not it is cooked all the way through? The disappointment when you cut into a fried piece of chicken and find those nasty streaks of pink or red indicating that your chicken is not cooked enough is very frustrating, I know! Or you end up with a burnt outer coating but the inside is still very much undercooked, ugh. Also, when you need to make large batches of it, the time it takes to get done feels like forever!
With this foolproof method, you are GUARANTEED fully cooked chicken that is moist and tender on the inside and has the most glorious golden crunchy exterior. By par-boiling the chicken in a flavourful stock, you end up with results that are packed with flavour, 100% cooked, and best of all, you will take waaaay less time hovering impatiently over the fryer, waiting for your chicken to get ‘done’. Bonus advantage is that you also end up with a lovely pot of chicken stock to use for your next dish, win win WIN!!
Servings 4 people


Ingredients for Par-Boiling

  • 1 whole chicken with or without skin (cut into 8-10 pieces)
  • 5 cups water
  • 1 tbsp salt
  • 2 tbsp vinegar
  • 1/2 tbsp ginger paste
  • 1/2 tbsp garlic paste
  • 1 tsp black pepper powder
  • 1/2 tsp each of dried rosemary thyme and oregano (or whichever herbs you have on hand)

Ingredients for Coating

  • 1 cup all purpose flour
  • 1 cup breadcrumbs or finely crushed cornflakes
  • 1/4 cup cornflour
  • salt pepper and garlic powder for seasoning (you can also use some herbs if you want)
  • 1 large egg lightly beaten
  • 2 tbsp hot sauce or chilli sauce
  • 2 tbsp milk
  • oil for deep frying


  • Clean the chicken pieces and put them in a pan. Add the water, salt, vinegar, ginger, garlic, black pepper and dried herbs. Bring to a simmer and then turn the heat down to the lowest it can go and let the chicken continue GENTLY simmering for 15 minutes. Set a timer if you need to, we do not want to over-cook the chicken at this stage. Be very sure that the stock is not going at a rolling boil, this will toughen the chicken. Gentle simmering ONLY!
    Once the time is up, turn the heat off, cover the pan and allow the pieces to sit and poach in the stock for another 2 minutes. Then you can remove the pieces and allow them to cool completely. You can even prepare them up to this stage the a day or two ahead, just put the chicken in an airtight container and refrigerate.
  • When ready to begin frying, mix both the flours with the breadcrumbs or crushed cornflakes in a wide plate (or use a paper bag for easy clean up. Season with a generous pinch of salt, pepper and garlic powder. You can also add a pinch of paprika powder if you like. In a wide bowl, whisk the egg with the milk and hot sauce.
    Heat enough oil for deep frying. Dust the chicken pieces in the dry ingredients, then dip in the egg mixture and finally toss them again in the dry ingredients. Fry in hot oil for about 2 minutes per side or just until the outside is crisp and golden. Remove onto paper towels to blot out excess oil.
    Serve with a salad, fries and dips of your choice.
    Enjoy! 🙂


Strain the stock to remove the dried herbs and then store it for use in soups, rice dishes, gravy, curries etc. Just remember that it was salted, so go easy on the salt when you are using this stock in another recipe.

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  1. Thank you very much dear for
    Thank you very much dear for this much wanted recipe. It’s very true and I always had the problem when ever fried the chicken. Great idea. Thank you once again dear.

  2. Assalamualaikum dear fauzia,
    Assalamualaikum dear fauzia, thanks for another recipe. InshaAllah i’ll try it but i’m sure your recipes are flawless. Stay blessed dear

    1. Hi, yes you can freeze this
      Hi, yes you can freeze this dish before coating. That way, all you have to do is thaw the chicken, coat and fry when you need to serve.

  3. Thank-you for this recipe! I
    Thank-you for this recipe! I would like to try it in the future. I enjoyed learning that you need to keep the water simmering in order to help the chicken stay tender! (*,*)

  4. salaam sister,the stock that
    salaam sister,the stock that has been left over,can that be frozen without straining it & used to cook the chicken the same way for the fried chicken.

    1. W/Salaam, yes that is fine
      W/Salaam, yes that is fine for one more time. After that, use it up in rice dishes like pilau or add it in chicken curry, or use it to make gravy etc etc.

  5. Aoa Fauzia, When will you
    Aoa Fauzia, When will you have a nice print button for people like myself who can’t remember what happened 2 minutes ago?

    1. We are trying to work on
      We are trying to work on adding a print button. 🙂 In the meantime, please do make use of the ‘favourite’ button which helps you save all the recipes in one place. Also, our mobile app is really handy to use when you are on the go in the kitchen.

  6. Assalamu’alaikum. Is it white
    Assalamu’alaikum. Is it white vinegar or brown one please?

    1. W/Salaam, any that you have
      W/Salaam, any that you have for your daily use although I just use the brown one.

  7. Fauzia, please teach us
    Fauzia, please teach us stuffed chicken in which there is a lot of mixture of cheese in the chicken breast which is then coated and deep fried. Pleaseee!
    Also churros in snacks as well. Pleaseee

  8. Hiii… Turned out to b
    Hiii… Turned out to b yummmmy alhamdullilah.. Dint kp any herbs oso but it tasted kfc. Thank you miss fauzia.

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